Jonahs Arise and Speak God's Words

Greetings in the Lord!

For the past two days I've been led to read from the book of Jonah chapter 1.  In this passage the prophet has been given a mandate to go to Nineveh to preach against it, to tell them of God's coming wrath to them for their wickedness and idolatry...but the prophet flees on a boat in the opposite direction.  Well, try as he might, he cannot outrun God.  The Lord allows a storm to hit the waters he is sailing on to help change his mind, to get him back on the call for his life.

"But Jonah had gone below deck, where he lay down and fell into a deep sleep.  The captain went to him and said, "How can you sleep?  Get up and call on your god!  Maybe  he will take notice of us, and we will not perish."

That is the word for today--"Get up from your slumber!  Do the work God has called you to do.  It's time to face the music," says the Lord.

You know, people of the world, secularists, sometimes are a lot more astute and shrewd than people of faith. They don't waste time wishful thinking, burying their heads in the sand, or gazing upon a star wondering, "Where is my knight in shining armor?"  No, they are busy trying to steer the boat upon the violent waters, heading to shelter best they can to try and save themselves.  But people of God, realize that Jonah had the answers they were looking for.  He knew why the trouble was coming upon them and what needed to be done about it, yet he slept.  He was rebelling against the call upon his life to speak out to the world and tell them to repent, to get right with God.  Many Christians are Jonah these days.  They know the answers and yet are too afraid, stubborn, self-righteous to share with others who are perishing.  But God is going to help you find your voice--"It's time to face the music," says the Lord.

American Christians, your day of speaking to the winds and mountains has come, the storm is upon us now and we have the Word of God to share.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.  


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