Word for 2015--the Miraculous Saving Power of God

Greetings in the Lord!

Most prophetic voices wait quietly at the end of each year to hear what the Lord is saying for the upcoming year, and I too, do that.  Sometimes, the word comes sooner or even later than I expect, but whatever the Lord is saying I prayerfully share as best I know how in the anointing He has given me to speak to His people. 

Last year's word was difficult for me to publish, as it's never fun to announce the arrival of major adversities in the world, but alas, 2014 was the onset of the "year of the terrorists," just as the Holy Spirit said.  We will continue to see that kind of activity in the 2015 year ahead, but in the middle of it all, the Lord takes us to two passages to hold onto, for greater is He in us then he who is in the world.  We do not embrace or succumb to the spirit of fear, rather, we draw near to the love of our heavenly Father who has our best interests at heart always.

The first key to holding onto your peace this next year comes from Psalm 77.  It is a desperate cry out to God in the middle of distress.  The psalmist feels abandoned, lost, and forgotten by God because of the drastic and persisting circumstances he finds himself in, and only becomes more disillusioned and perplexed when he recalls God's past goodness and mercies and current silence:

"When I was in distress, I sought the Lord; at night I stretched out untiring hands and my soul refused to be comforted.  I remembered You, O God, and I groaned; I mused, and my spirit grew faint.  You kept my eyes from closing; I was too troubled to speak. I remembered my songs in the night.  My heart mused and my spirit inquired:
'Will the Lord reject forever?  Will He never show His favor again?  Has His unfailing love vanished forever?  Has His promise failed for all time?  Has God forgotten to be merciful?  Has He in anger withheld His compassion?'" 

You can very well hear the troubled psalmist cry from the depths of his heart--nothing consoles him and like Job, begins to seriously wonder about this loving God of ours.

Then I thought, "To this I will appeal: the years of the right hand of the Most High."  I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember Your miracles of long ago.  I will meditate on all Your works and consider Your mighty deeds.  Your ways, O God, are holy.  What god is so great as our God?  You are the God who performs miracles; You display Your power among the peoples.  With Your mighty arm You redeemed Your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.

Indeed, the key to our strength in the midst of the storms headed our way is a firm remembrance of the miraculous saving power of our God.  There will be occasions this next year when you will be very afraid of what is happening and I tell you now, drop to your knees and remember the miraculous saving power of our God.  Do not be ashamed to pray right there in public--even grab the hand of a person near you to pray together--for our God is mighty to save!  Was it not God Almighty that parted the seas when Pharaoh's army pursued?  Did not our Lord make a way when there was none?

The waters saw You, O God, the waters saw You and writhed; the very depths were convulsed.  The clouds poured down water, the skies resounded with thunder; Your arrows flashed back and forth.  Your thunder was heard in the whirlwind, Your lightening lit up the world; the earth trembled and quaked.  Your path led through the sea, Your way through the mighty waters, though Your footprints were not seen.  You led Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

God will allow adversities to come against His people and all nations this next year and it will seem bleak at times, but He has not forgotten us!  Pray, pray, pray people of God and recall the faithfulness of our loving God, saying, "You are the God who performs miracles!  You display Your power among the peoples."  Keep in mind, too, that our enemies are principalities and demons, these are the ones that take people's minds captive and incite them to commit atrocities.  That is why we must pray that the power of God comes to break the arm of the enemy. 

We are already in an intense spiritual war for the souls of people--the violent acts you read about are just the physical manifestation of this spiritual war.  The battle is spiritual, brethren, pray now and draw near to God for protection for your families, communities, cities, and nations--God answers prayer; we have been given the shield of faith for the dousing of the enemies' fiery darts.  Use it!  Imagine now, our country, Europe, Australia, South Korea, and anywhere Jesus is proclaimed will be under increased spiritual siege; we must begin to use our spiritual weapons like never before.   

Remember, too, Isaiah 17---Damascus and Ephraim were fallen to the Assyrian army.  I discern that those countries represent for us people who do not know God and those that have fallen away from Him; both will be sifted thoroughly by the wicked (captives to hate and everything godless and vile) this next year, causing the remaining to throw away their false gods and arrogant self-reliance and run to God Almighty for deliverance.  Get grounded in God now, because in 2015 the enemy will be allowed to sift those who are not living for God Almighty.     

"Although peoples roar like the roar of surging waters, when He rebukes them, they flee far away, driven before the wind like chaff on the hills, like tumbleweed before the gale. 
In the evening, sudden terror!  Before the morning, they are gone!
This is the portion of those who loot us, the lot of those who plunder us." 

God is mighty to save and allows just enough adversity to create opportunities for sincere repentance and petitioning to Him for help.  May He also grant us the faith and grace to endure these trials and the wisdom to seek refuge in the shelter of His wings.  Our God is a mighty Fortress! Amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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