Pray for Godly Counsel
Greetings in the Lord! A couple days ago while in prayer I saw a vision of a very large tree. I was reminded of Daniel 2, the passage on Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a large tree. He was that tree, and he saw that while the massive tree was great and provided shelter and fruit for all who came to it, the Lord cut that tree down because of his pride. In my vision, the tree was not cut down, but rather, had a huge hole in it where upon a large owl sat. The hole was deep into the tree, near to where the trunk began to divide into giant branches. I wondered about that hole, how did it get so deep? Was it killing the tree? The owl was near hidden in that dark hole and it did not seem to be a good thing--it was an unclean bird, a counterfeit of true wisdom. I discerned that the tree was the United States and that the owl represented ungodly, conventional wisdom that was guiding and hiding in the...