Cleansing Wind Comes and Sweeps Away the Debris

Greetings in the Lord!

Well, I wanted to post an update to a word that was given on Nov. 2nd, partly because I like to see when and how God fulfills His word (and I'm guessing that others are interested as well), and partly because it's important to acknowledge and give thanks to God!  Thank you, Lord, for being so faithful!  Your glory is seen in all the earth and we praise You. Amen.

Anyway, the word on Nov. 2nd, was entitled, "God is a Mighty Tempest of Justice," and it had to do with God stirring up a cleansing wind off the coast of central-western Mexico.  This "wind" would deal a blow to the Mexican Mafia and cartels in those areas (and corrupt city officials partnering with them), going upwards into the southwestern parts of the US: 

 "In my heart I discern that this "windstorm" will be the strong hand of God sweeping up from the raging waves of the sea, like the many voices that are crying out to Him day and night for justice, protection, and life against corrupt Mexican law and government officials who continue to oppress, steal and extort, and kill innocent people in their greed for power, money, and status.  These wicked leaders work are in cahoots with the Mexican mafia, both in the US and Mexico, and they have nothing but other people's money and violence on their minds.  The Lord will begin to move mightily in their midst, tearing down their fortresses and bringing them to ruin. 

"I will send destroyers against you, each man with his weapons, and they will cut up your fine cedar beams and throw them into the fire."  (Jeremiah 22:7).   

I see the backbone of corruption, extending from central Mexico upward into the southwest US to the Rockies and Oklahoma being crushed and broken in places.  The wind of God will blow away their nice houses and make their lands desolate like a desert.  Praise the Lord!  Let the will of God be done on earth as it is in Heaven.   Amen"

Well, two days after that word the President of Mexico dispatched the military to crack down in a major drug cartel stronghold.

"The military was sent by President Enrique Pena Nieto on November 4 to clean house, forcing the city's 113 local police officers to undergo vetting exams while replacing the port's two top civilian jobs with naval officers."  The entire article can be read at: 

Anyway, I pray that the Lord will continue to stamp out the corruption, violence, and extortion that reigns in those parts and cut off their entire web of inroads to other places, thereby dissolving their backbone of power and network of evil.  Thanks be to God who rules over all the earth!

Today's word is kind of an extension of that word.  It comes from Proverbs 26, verses 4-16, which is a collection of proverbs that address the ways of fools---and warnings not to deal with or be like them.  In short, it lists that fools resist wisdom and instruction; they take no heed to wise counsel and repeat their folly, even after severe correction.  They are not to be trusted to carry out important matters, as they will be prone to misrepresent the sender's message and malign the listeners of the message.  We are warned not to hire them, honor them, or withhold punishment for their misdeeds.  We should not give them a position of authority, or believe that they will change their foolish ways and make good choices in the future for the betterment of people.  In addition to these warnings, Proverbs 26 also talks about the ways of the sluggard.  We can understand then, that people often choose to be foolish because they are too lazy to do the right thing, and/or don't want to exercise the self-discipline it takes to be moral. 

To drive the point home the Lord even gave me dreams this morning about people choosing to be foolish, whether it was just being reckless again after a close call; or people going out to live the same lifestyle they did before, after they had served time already, and so on.  What was interesting though, was that the foolish people in my dreams were people I knew, friends of mine, and I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt and wanted to hang with them, but I couldn't do that...unless I wanted to put myself in jeopardy.  The road they travelled was a precarious one, and as a God-fearing person, I couldn't join in their ways.  Our paths had to separate.    

All of these verses and the dream meaning should be considered when we wonder why people choose to join in illegal activities---and how law enforcement and government officials become corrupt and partner with crime.  It's not rocket science, you know.  As people of faith, we have to choose not to be like that; we have to choose God's ways and trust that He will bless us.  He will promote us and provide for our needs.  God will sustain and mature us as we choose to walk in His wisdom--and we will watch as the day of disaster sweeps away the wicked.  Amen and amen.      
~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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