Dancing in the Streets
Greetings in the Lord!
Summer travel season is in full swing! I recently returned from a trip to Detroit, Michigan. It is my birthplace, but as circumstances would dictate, I never really spent much time there. So being reunited with my family on this visit, it was fun to explore their old stomping grounds and see and learn about the rich history that was, and is, and will shine again, in Detroit City. In fact, that is the word of the Lord!

There were a few times throughout the weekend that I discerned the Lord saying that He was going to use music once again to reach the hearts of the people--pure and joyful songs to encourage and cross cultural and racial boundaries. The Lord is in the business of uniting all people together. As I toured the Motown Museum, it was clear that God had raised up those popular singers of yesteryear, many of who were just young adults living in the area, to sing to the world a new song. Even more recent popular singers, who may or may not serve the Lord, are finding special songs being birthed in their spirits. A fire burning in their bones will prompt them to sing boldly about truth and justice, and God's saving grace for the lost, weary, and downtrodden. They will sing about what it is to live again, to rise up from the ash heap and captivity and be free! It's in the heritage of the city. Detroit was a last stop for the Underground Railroad. Those who embarked on that journey would either die or be free---but never a slave again. Amen! That message of freedom will begin to resonate into the Muslim community there as well. Many will say, "never a slave again" as they find freedom in Christ Jesus. Free to live and love; victory over hate, violence, and oppression. Captives, no more! Praise God.
Detroit is a special place, full of practical, creative, earth-changers. The prophetic voice of the Lord can be heard there loud and clear, way beyond the pulpit and front doors of the churches. As Bob Seger sang so long ago, "Like a rock, nothing ever got to me...", so God has put a boldness and resilience in their hearts, they won't back down or go away quietly. Expect good things to come from Detroit this season, the Lord and His servants are on the offensive, boldly proclaiming freedom to the captives and resurrection Life to the spiritually dead. Amen and amen.
~Be blessed and be a blessing.
Summer travel season is in full swing! I recently returned from a trip to Detroit, Michigan. It is my birthplace, but as circumstances would dictate, I never really spent much time there. So being reunited with my family on this visit, it was fun to explore their old stomping grounds and see and learn about the rich history that was, and is, and will shine again, in Detroit City. In fact, that is the word of the Lord!
There were a few times throughout the weekend that I discerned the Lord saying that He was going to use music once again to reach the hearts of the people--pure and joyful songs to encourage and cross cultural and racial boundaries. The Lord is in the business of uniting all people together. As I toured the Motown Museum, it was clear that God had raised up those popular singers of yesteryear, many of who were just young adults living in the area, to sing to the world a new song. Even more recent popular singers, who may or may not serve the Lord, are finding special songs being birthed in their spirits. A fire burning in their bones will prompt them to sing boldly about truth and justice, and God's saving grace for the lost, weary, and downtrodden. They will sing about what it is to live again, to rise up from the ash heap and captivity and be free! It's in the heritage of the city. Detroit was a last stop for the Underground Railroad. Those who embarked on that journey would either die or be free---but never a slave again. Amen! That message of freedom will begin to resonate into the Muslim community there as well. Many will say, "never a slave again" as they find freedom in Christ Jesus. Free to live and love; victory over hate, violence, and oppression. Captives, no more! Praise God.
Detroit is a special place, full of practical, creative, earth-changers. The prophetic voice of the Lord can be heard there loud and clear, way beyond the pulpit and front doors of the churches. As Bob Seger sang so long ago, "Like a rock, nothing ever got to me...", so God has put a boldness and resilience in their hearts, they won't back down or go away quietly. Expect good things to come from Detroit this season, the Lord and His servants are on the offensive, boldly proclaiming freedom to the captives and resurrection Life to the spiritually dead. Amen and amen.
~Be blessed and be a blessing.