Caution: Objects in Mirror Are Smaller Than They Appear

Greetings in the Lord!

Whenever the Lord gives me the same passage of Scripture three times in a short period of time I pay attention. In this case, it is a word from Isaiah 16. Over the years the Lord has given me that word many times for people, as unfortunately, the message is appropriate and timely for them. So what is the word? Well, in a nutshell, Isaiah 16 is a prophecy against Moab, the arrogant and perpetual enemy of Israel. They will be humbled because of their prideful despising and mocking of Israel.

Did you know that God really frowns upon people hating others for no reason? That was the big problem with most of Israel's enemies--they hated them without cause or remedy. It was just plain hate. Maybe the driving force was jealousy or envy at the root, but in any case, they couldn't see the error of their ways because their own pride blinded them from seeing it, and well, jealousy is an endless pit. No amount of abuse or mocking would ever satisfy that vice.

"We have heard of Moab's pride--her overweening pride and conceit, her pride and her insolence--but her boasts are empty." Isaiah 16:6

That's the funny part about people who hate others for no reason, they can't see also that their boasts are empty while others see through it easily. In all their empty bragging and ridiculing they are trying to boost themselves up, to promote themselves ahead of the one they are no avail. God won't let it happen--not in the long run, and even in the short term usually. A circumstance will come along to humble the arrogant mockers. And be careful especially not to hate the righteous, those who know God and serve Him faithfully because God promises to move on their behalf, they will not be denied.

So, it is best to re-examine: who do I criticize and ridicule in scorn for no reason and why? Note also that skeptics fall into this category for sure--who else would doubt the word of the Lord so vehemently unless they were deceived by pride and hate? Over the years I have encountered a plethora of skeptics, way too many to count, because anytime you give a word of the Lord it forces people to decide: do I believe or do I doubt? Prophecy exposes the heart of a person in an instant because it shines the light of Jesus there, for, "the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus."

So, in understanding today's verse we can see that it is a word against those who deride, mock, and scoff at God's word and His servants. Even if we consider ourselves Christians we are not permitted the liberty of despising God's word or His servants. Realize this, Moab believed they were a lot bigger and more important in their own eyes, they flattered themselves greatly but could not see that they were small, weak, vulnerable and wicked acting....they were nothing more than rebellious idolaters whom the Lord would humble sternly for their persistant hostility.

"Moab has been at rest from youth, like wine left on its dregs, not poured from one jar to another--she has not gone into exile. So she tastes as she did, and her aroma is unchanged."
"But days are coming," declares the Lord, "when I will send men who pour from jars, and they will pour her out; they will empty her jars and smash her jugs." Jeremiah 48:11-12.

This is definitely not the season to mock God and scorn His servants. So a word to the wise, if this has been you, humble yourself and repent. We serve a loving and forgiving God whose desire is to show mercy to the truly repentant, but, will not shrink back from raising His strong hand against the rebellious and prideful unrepentant. Embrace His wisdom and let the joy of the Lord be your strength and courage!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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