Piece of Puzzle

Greetings in the Lord!

Well, I did not fall off the face of the earth, as it may seem, when I went to Korea, but have been busy working and getting settled in. However, over the Lunar New Year I was able to take a short trip to one of Korea's hot springs locations. Very relaxing and fun!

There are many mountains in Korea as you may know, so in addition to the indoor and outdoor spas, we walked around the hillside to the obstacle courses, gardens and pagodas, amusement park and snow hill the hot spring park had put together for tourists. Something fun for everyone.

Now the weekend was so perfect I figured that God wanted me to see something, so I kept my eyes alert....but honestly, didn't see anything out of the usual. Then on the last morning we were at the hot springs I had an unusually vivid dream. I was riding with a group of people in a van and arrived at my destination. I and a young person with really long, black curly hair got out and ran off together in the tall grass to hide. This young person was really short and very dark skinned, yet not African. And though his hair was the most beautiful long locks that any girl would envy, he was most certainly a man with a light mustache. In the tall grass where we hid no one saw us, even though people were practically right next to us. Smiling in our covertness, we kissed--then I realized he was dangerous, and fled.

Awaking from the dream I was puzzled at its meaning and shared it with my teacher friend from the school. With no other explanation I pondered it in my heart and we boarded a bus to return home from the hot springs. Once we arrived back in town we noticed a market outside of the bus station and walked around. As we walked down a long aisle I saw a young man off in the distance who was staring at me with a big smile on his face, almost like he recognized me. When I got close to him I realized it was the young man from my dream!--short, with long beautiful, black curly hair, dark skin, and light mustache. As we stood face to face I was dumbfounded and nudged my teacher friend to see the sight--she stared in disbelief too!

I asked him where he was from and he said, "Sri Lanka," and asked me the same. "The United States," I replied before I had time to process if I should be talking to him or not.

"Why are you here?" I asked. "Working," he replied simply. "Me too," I said. I quickly left his presence and replayed the dream in my mind. "Hiding in the tall grass, kissing someone I should not have been;" that means we are in secret and I was sharing private information with someone that may not be trustworthy.

I really believe the Lord was letting me know about the Sri Lankan community living in Korea. When I got back to school I was able to get more information and it was confirmed to me by others that a growing Sri Lankan population, generally Buddhist, lives in Korea. One member of our staff, a Christian from India has felt the call recently to minister to this population of people, no less. What are the chances!

At any rate, I was glad to know the rhyme and reason for this dream and unusual event and was happy to encourage this young man to step out in faith as God has called him. As with all things, I will be curious to see where God leads him and what doors of opportunity will be opened to him...and what more is in store for me as well!

~May God continue to richly bless you even as you are a blessing to others.


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