Feet Carrying Good News in the Mountains
Greetings in the Lord!
Well, often the New Year can usher in more than a change of mind and heart, but also a change in location as well. As of January 12th, I have moved to Korea to teach English for 2010. And what a pleasant surprise it has turned out to be!
With a group of 11 Americans I made my way over and am busy teaching at an English school for Korean students--elementary all the way up to businessmen and Korean teachers in professional development.
Our school is nestled in the mountains and has a pretty view from any angle, but is still conveniently located near to a large metropolitan city. Our students come from all over the country,however, and usually live on campus for a week or more. Currently our school is being replicated in several other countries for its unique teaching style and philosophy--complete English immersion in a pseudo city-like environment. It's the closest thing our students can come to being in an English-speaking culture without leaving Korea. Pretty cool, huh? I thought so too. It kind of reminds me of my favorite Fisher Price people/toy when I was a kid-- which was the Village. We, too, have a Restaurant, Post Office, Airport, Bank, Hospital, etc. for situational learning of appropriate English language.
God is so good to provide this opportunity. The best thing is that half our group is devout Christians, so we've already talked about starting a campus Bible study and other ideas. God is up to something special in Korea, no doubt.
Well, I hope this blog finds you off to an amazing start in 2010. God is up to good things everywhere--what is He doing in your neck of the woods?