Chanel No. 7

Greetings in the Lord!

"Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth--for your love is more delightful than wine. Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes; your name is like perfume poured out. No wonder the maidens love you!" Song of Songs 1:2-3

I wanted to share with all of you the rather unique season of ministry that I've been in since May. Actually, preparation for this season began in March when the Lord brought to my attention a genre of video/internet games that are quite popular these days--they have to do with Greek mythology (and the paranormal and possession). I was flabergasted to find out that these types of games have given birth to a whole undercurrent or sub-culture within the "gaming" industry and growing leaps and bounds into "conventional" culture as well that is hostile to Christianity. Entire social lives are being spent participating in these games, which is leading to a resurgence of demonology, (ie, Greek mythology) within our society and inciting persecution of Christians.

Also at that time the Lord drew my attention to Daniel chapter 8, the passage about a goat from the West warring against a ram from the East. I discerned that the Lord was referring to the current state of world clashes between Western culture (we are descended from Greek culture educationally, etc.) and Eastern culture. OK, so why the references to Greek culture/mythology?

Then in May the Lord gave me the word that I was being sent to the "Gentiles" and gave also the passage of Scripture about the Canaanite woman asking Jesus to deliver her demon-possessed daughter. Jesus told the woman that he was sent to the Israelites first, but she persisted, saying, "Yes, but even the dogs eat the scraps that fall from their master's table." I discerned that the Lord was indeed going to have me minister to pagans, in the classical sense of the term: people who worshipped other gods. It was then that I began to understand and see spiritually our American culture as the same polytheistic culture of the Greeks and Romans just like in the days of Paul. Yes, the Lord was sending me to these Gentiles--pagans, right here in good ole US of A.

Sure enough, shortly thereafter I met a "born-again pagan," a newly baptized "Christian" mystic (a formal fusion of Christianity and New Age thought), Greek mythology gamers, a spirit channeler and guide, and countless New Age and nature worshippers. And while each conversation was unique, I was surprised to notice the similarities as well: all those females had embraced a type of "nymph" spirit that is very prevalent in Colorado. What is that, you ask? Well, I was given a dream of a half-pig, half-seahorse animal which I was told was a "nymph" and researched it. As it turns out, a nymph is a female lesser deity associated with water or trees or mountains and serves a higher female deity or goddess. Paul too, had evangelized in Ephesus and Asia Minor where the goddess Diana or Artemis was worshipped by Gentile "nymph" followers. How strange to see this principality resurfacing in our culture! And true to form, these followers are very much devoted and active in their religion, just like in the days of Paul, and are quick to pray to the spirits of their own religion, meet in assemblies, and have worship together. They use very similar language to talk about "God" and celebrate their own "signs and wonders" and "wisdom."

So how did God minister to them? He became a pleasing fragrance! The Lord showed me dreams of them smelling His sweet scent and being drawn to Him for kisses, just like the book Song of Songs talks about. How cool and lovely is that!

"Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes; Your name is like perfume poured out. No wonder the maidens love you!...My lover is to me a sachet of myrrh resting between my breasts. My lover is to me a cluster of henna blossoms from the vineyards of En Gedi."

With every conversation I was amazed at how receptive these females were to His words, His presence, even when I saw their minds grappling with the Truth being given to them and felt the backlash of their oppressive spirits trying to push me away. Oh, the Lord is wooing His children back to Him, no matter where they are these days or what they currently believe and do. I want to encourage all of you to allow the Lord to minister through you to those who are currently serving other gods, to even those in spiritual captivity, as the Lord is releasing His sweet scent in the summer air to woo the lost back to Him. Dare to be "kingdom-correct" instead of politically correct and you will see the love of Christ move powerfully in your midst.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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