Jubilee in Colorado Springs!

Greetings in the Lord!

I wanted to share with all of you some exciting things that have happened this week. About a month ago the Lord put on my heart to go to the US Apostolic Alliance meeting that happened in Colorado Springs, CO earlier this week. It was hosted by Dutch Sheets and Peter Wagner and featured Chuck Pierce, Barbara Yoder, Dennis Peacocke and a couple others. The prophetic words given were a summation of what the Lord is doing and will be accomplishing in our nation in the time to come. Needless to say, the meeting was intensely powerful.

Most interesting to me was the nature of the event--to launch the US Apostolic Alliance, a grassroots movement of God. Dutch Sheets was "knighted" by two apostles of Native origin, the original "landowners" of Colorado, and of all North America for that matter. Those two apostles had been appointed to represent all of the tribes of Native people in America, in which there were about 15-20 tribes representatives in attendance as well. They "welcomed" us, the non-native (European, etc) "tribes" into the land and gave their blessing to the USAA to carry out the God-ordained movement of "realignment" to the kingdom of heaven in this land. Then, they brought up a relatively unknown apostle and laid hands on him to move in healings and miracles in the Colorado Springs area. He was being commissioned to launch out into the public sector--to have meetings for the unchurched to come and experience God's grace in healings, miracles, and ultimately the gift of salvation. Dutch said that something like this had never been done before in Colorado Springs! Amazing, huh?

Well, for those of you that were a part of the "Jubilee" services in Quinnesec/Iron Mountain, MI, you may think all this sounds familiar. Yes, what was started up there in the winter of 2005 has been spreading all across this nation--the many words given there are being fulfilled! Just as one spoke that they saw many northern streams coming together and flowing like a river over this nation, or another that they heard from the Spirit: "Revival comes from the north", or another that they saw the hand of God sweeping over the nation from the northeast to the southwest flattening the "high places," yes, rejoice! It is happening! And it was the same that the land in Quinnesec had originally been "Indian" land and was given over by that Indian believer officially to the local Christians/government to build a church and city. Likewise, too, a relatively unknown apostle was sent by God and comissioned by an apostolic authority to the Upper Michigan to have healing/miracle services to the unchurched and churched alike, and for the equipping of the saints for the taking back the land for the kingdom of God.

If you were a part of those Jubilee services, begin to praise God for His goodness and share with others the wonder of God that was poured out and continues to pour out in this nation!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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