Holy Laughter to Defy the Odds

Greetings in the Lord!

The Lord today continues with His words on our Presidential election process. This morning after prayer the Holy Spirit played in my mind again the Saturday Night Live sketch from this past weekend that featured Hillary Clinton. In the sketch, one of the cast members dresses up like her and makes fun of her laugh, and Hillary said, "Do I really laugh like that?" And of course, she does, so it was really funny. The sketch was light and humorous overall and Hillary seemed full of joy and very relaxed....like maybe she had given up on the race and felt she didn't have anything to lose.

Well, the Holy Spirit said to me: "Holy laughter." I discern that Hillary has abandoned all her striving to win the race and just turned it over to God---and you know what? God filled her heart with joy! Win or lose, she laughed in the face of a 0-14 run of electoral loses. She laughed in the face of all the political analysts saying losses in Texas and Ohio would end her race. I believe the Holy Spirit is saying today that the race is not over just yet...you know how God loves to make a powerful comeback to defy all the odds of political analysts who make "intelligent" predictions contrary to the will of God!

"I will send fire upon Teman that will consume the fortresses of Bozrah." Amos 1:12.

That was the verse the Lord gave me to better understand what He is saying. Teman was a major city in Edom reputed for its "wisemen;" it also was the stronghold for Edom that by its strength was able to continually attack Israel. I discern the Lord is saying that by His "sending fire upon Teman," the Lord will be defying America's "wisdom" to showcase His own in this Presidential race. As the word of the Lord was from the start of the election process--this will be a long race with many upsets and surprises...and a revealing of people's hearts.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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