A Good Soldier of Christ Jesus

Greetings in the Lord!

Last night the Spirit put on my heart to go to the St. Louis Dream Center Tuesday night worship service. This center was founded by Joyce Meyer Ministries, of which I am a big fan, so it was a delight to go and see what the Lord is doing there.

Well, instead of their usual service the kids were putting on a skit called, "Voice of Change." The focus of the evening was to teach the audience to be a voice for the voiceless and to spearhead change for our generation by stepping out boldly for our faith in the face of opposition.

I must admit, however, I am not a big fan of children's performances. I just don't have the patience it takes to listen to mumbled lines or wait while they remember what is supposed to happen next. Having said that, I will say that the whole night was worth it just to see the closing act. It was a last supper scene, with the disciples singing and Jesus had already ascended. After each disciple sang their part, soldiers came and took them away to be martyred--just like what happened to them in history. When none of the disciples were left, there came from the audience 12 new disciples, all in modern clothing, and all of them female! They rushed to the stage singing and took the places at the table where the original disciples had been. My spirit stirred as I knew it was prophetic!

That was the second time in a week the Lord had laid on my spirit that persecution has come to the American Church. The American Church is very SLOW to wake to this fact, but the Lord has already been preparing the hearts of our youth to rise up and take action. It is also the second time in a week that the Lord has had me witness the assembling of these kids into action--in one church 2 and 3 year olds were blowing the shofar louder than most adults! They lined up on the altar and sang, danced, and beat drums while they yelled, "The Lord's!" when the speaker asked, "Whose army do you belong to?"

I decree in the name of Jesus that strongholds over the St. Louis area will be torn down!
"Yahweh humbles those who dwell on high, He lays the lofty city low; He levels it to the ground and casts it down to the dust. Feet trample it down--the feet of the oppressed, the footsteps of the poor." Isaiah 26:5-6.

I cannot speak for other parts of the US right now, but for certain in the St. Louis area war has been declared in the heavenlies and it is beginning to manifest itself in the natural. Fire has been released to the St. Louis area! I've mentioned already that in one church 2 members have literally saved people's lives by their prompt action in the Spirit; one by praying for a person and another by allowing the power of the Spirit to demonstrate supernatural strength.

I am encouraging all you prayer warriors to lift up this city and part of the country in your prayer time with the Lord. We have been called for such a time as this.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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