His Footprints In Their Lives

Greetings in the Lord!

I want to begin by thanking all of you for your continued prayers for me while I am here. My days are pleasant and joyful, and so busy! I know that your intercession is a big reason why :) May the peace and joy of Christ be poured out on you mightily for your faithfulness.

Well, the 'God encounters' are sure piling up! The Lord is sending my way all walks of life, nationalities, economic backgrounds, and ages to minister His life-giving Spirit to. What a joy and priviledge it is to serve the Lord! Whether through sharing scriptural words, dream interpretations, visions, or words of knowledge and wisdom given that moment, the Lord is showing Himself powerful to these, His children. The interesting thing is that while all the people and their "stories" are so different, every one of them is either a grandparent/godparent or has a grandparent that they were very close to that introduced them to the Lord (and probably still covers their grandchild in prayer!). Thus, the word of the Lord from the prophet Malachi rings true: "See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse." (Malachi 4:5-6).

And so it is: every one of the people the Lord has sent to me to give them His words is at a crucial juncture in their lives: some need encouragement to make godly decisions, others to be led back to the Lord entirely, and some are being encouraged to be a bold witness and prayerfully intercede for their unsaved loved ones and countrymen. So, while I proceed in doing the Lord's work with great joy, the Lord has laid on my heart the urgency of their "moments," so I go about my work without distraction and full of grace, fully expecting that His Spirit will leave life-changing footprints in their lives.

~Until later, be blessed and be a blessing. PS Just now the Lord has also laid on my heart that something very special, miraculous even, will happen soon in a 'God encounter'.... :)


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