A Mighty Hand Will Compel Pharaoh
Greetings in the Lord~ Well, here it is, 2024, and for many it couldn't have come a minute sooner! I've heard it said several times already--"Good riddance!" to 2023, as people have struggled in many ways over the past year (and longer). In the language of scripture that the Lord uses to enlighten me, He talks about a Pharaoh oppressing His people. Yes, as in the days of old, the U.S. is like the Israelites in ancient Egypt--slaving away at the behest of a cruel and godless master; Pharaoh thinks he is a god and imposes his agenda on the captives...but a day will come when he will rule the people no more! Yes, a day comes when the Lord says enough is enough. God meets with Moses in the backside of the desert and calls him to lead Israel out of Egypt. So Moses goes with his brother, Aaron, to Pharaoh to ask that he let the Hebrews go out into the desert for three days to worship their God, God Almighty, but the Lord knows Pharaoh will never let them go unless the mi...