
A Mighty Hand Will Compel Pharaoh

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, here it is, 2024, and for many it couldn't have come a minute sooner!  I've heard it said several times already--"Good riddance!" to 2023, as people have struggled in many ways over the past year (and longer). In the language of scripture that the Lord uses to enlighten me, He talks about a Pharaoh oppressing His people.  Yes, as in the days of old, the U.S. is like the Israelites in ancient Egypt--slaving away at the behest of a cruel and godless master; Pharaoh thinks he is a god and imposes his agenda on the captives...but a day will come when he will rule the people no more! Yes, a day comes when the Lord says enough is enough. God meets with Moses in the backside of the desert and calls him to lead Israel out of Egypt.  So Moses goes with his brother, Aaron, to Pharaoh to ask that he let the Hebrews go out into the desert for three days to worship their God, God Almighty, but the Lord knows Pharaoh will never let them go unless the mi...

The People of the Land Rise Up

Greetings in the Lord~ This week I came across a national news article reporting on the result and aftermath of the November vote from a small town in Michigan.  In fact, this particular article didn't even give the name of the city it is so small, just the township name.  However, since it is my childhood hometown, I recognized it immediately!   Now, the article showed a picture of a guy changing the locks of a public building, town hall to be exact, and the headline said it all: "Small Michigan Town Votes Off All Members of Town Council and Changes Locks on Town Hall!"  Ha ha ha--they voted them off because each of them had been supporting a $2.4B Chinese project to be built in the small city which would be an environmental disaster and security risk.  SO, why would they be supporting something the majority of the town is against, you ask?  Bribe money.  It is a fact that some of the town council members had been offered huge amounts of money (i...

A Curve Ball Coming Up

  Greetings in the Lord~ Over the course of the past three weeks, I have gotten the same word 3 times, each from a different place in Scripture.  Now, I know that 3 is an attention-getting number, so I will share this prophetic word today as it comes from Isaiah 30-31. "What sorrow awaits My rebellious children," says the Lord.  "You make plans that are contrary to Mine.  You make alliances not directed by My Spirit, thus piling up your sins.  For without consulting Me, you have gone down to Egypt for help.  You have put your trust in Pharaoh's protection. you have tried to hide in his shade.  But by trusting Pharaoh, you will be humiliated, and by depending on him, you will be disgraced. For though his power extends to Zoan and his officials have arrived in Hanes, all who trust in him will be ashamed.  He will not help you.  Instead, he will disgrace you.  The caravan moves slowly across the terrible desert to Egypt--donkeys weighed dow...

Sing Songs of Praise for Deliverance

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word is based on a recent intense dream I had, one that came with an accompanying scripture passage to help give the depth and seriousness of the dream.  It went like this. A female musician/entertainer was attending an industry dinner out in either LA or NYC, that was put on by a major elite in the business.  She was enjoying the evening of networking and socializing, but realized that though she was popular enough to get invited, that she was still just one of many trying to move up in the business.   At her table were various industry people, not all actors or musicians, but some were assistants and behind the scenes people as well.  In the middle of the table on display were small ornate gifts which everyone curiously noticed, but didn't talk about.  Finally, towards the end of the dinner, the female musician/entertainer took the initiative to hand them out to each person at the table, thinking the gifts were like the smal...

Hindsight Really is 20/20

Greetings in the Lord~ I think of all the scriptures in the Bible, those that have to do with wisdom are my favorite.  Of course, that goes without saying that the book of Proverbs tops my list.  But another book that doesn't always get the same fanfare that I really like is the book of Ecclesiastes.  And over the years, today's word is one that the Lord has spoken to me several times, which I always am amazed by its profoundness.   It is Ecclesiastes 7:8:  "The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride." It is a very encouraging word really, as it assures us that no matter how things look at the start--as most ventures are full of promise and positive expectation, or no matter how difficult the process may be going--as nothing worthwhile is achieved without some effort and conflict, that by the end of it we will have gained wisdom and peace by its closure.  It doesn't say that the ending will be in our favor or be...

The Coming Caravan of Calamity

  Greetings in the Lord, One of the things we read about in the news these days is the FBI giving us warnings of possible security threats in the U.S. from extremists who sympathize with Hamas.  The FBI doesn't give specifics, of course, but cites the obvious--thousands of illegal immigrants are pouring into our country every day without any oversight or knowledge about who they are or where they are going.  Indeed, this lack of good judgment and poor government policy is setting us up for all sorts of problems.   But prophetically speaking, we can know disaster and calamity is not as random as one would think.  In fact, the Lord gives us warnings of His judgments before these things hit the fan:   "The Sovereign Lord never does anything until He reveals His plans to His servants the prophets."  Amos 3:7 Now, God's judgments are different than incidents carried out by spontaneous human will, but that is another discussion about, "Why do bad t...

In the Night He Overturns the Wicked

Greetings in the Lord, Today's word comes from Job 34:16-30, and frankly, it is pretty self explanatory.  "Now listen to me if you are wise.  Pay attention to what I say.  "Could God govern if He hated justice?"  Are you going to condemn the Almighty Judge?  For He says to kings, 'You are wicked,; and to nobles, 'You are unjust.'  He doesn't care how great a person may be, and He pays no more attention to the rich than to the poor.  He made them all. In a moment they die.  In the middle of the night they pass away; the mighty are removed without human hand. For God watches how people live; He sees everything they do.  No darkness is thick enough to hide the wicked from His eyes.  We don't set the time when we will come before God in judgment.  He brings the mighty to ruin without asking anyone, and He sets up others in their place.  He knows what they do, and in the night He overturns and destroys them.  He strikes them do...

Judges for Sale, But Not for Much Longer

  Greetings in the Lord~ Well, these past couple of years especially, we are seeing that many judges in the U.S. are for sale, and probably have been for quite some time.  As far back as 30 years ago, I recall being told firsthand by a guy whose job it was to deliver money from the Mexican mafia to Texan judges to look the other way regarding cases about the drug trade down near the southern border.  True or not, I'll never know, but just last Sunday a retired judge from Colorado talked about judges that wouldn't recuse themselves from cases even though they had received "$100,000 cars as gifts" from people involved in cases they presided over.  Absolutely unbelievable!  She also talked about how many judges do not always have legal expertise in the nature of the cases they were assigned to, and often had to get input from other judges who did.  Oh yes, judges need to be experts in evidence and process, but many times end up being overly reliant on attorney...

The Chosen Saved By God

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word is from Isaiah 43:1-13. But now, O Jacob, listen to the one who created you.  O Israel, the One who formed you says,  "Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you.  I have called you by name; you are Mine.  When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.  When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.  When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.  For I Am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.   I gave Egypt as a ransom for your freedom; I gave Cush and Seba in your place.  Other were given in exchange for you.  I traded their lives for yours because you are precious to Me.  You are honored, and I love you." "Do not be afraid, for I am with you.  I will gather you and your children from east and west.  I will say to the north and south, 'Bring My sons and daughters back to Israel from t...

Be Vigilant These Days

Greetings in the Lord~   Well, in light of my last post and in conjunction with my recent odd encounter, I feel led to share some of the events of my trip to Las Vegas, as they seem somewhat related.  L ast week I went on an overnight trip to Las Vegas, as I felt prompted to go by the Lord.  This is not the first time the Lord has prompted me to go somewhere, but rather, this is a regular part of my life.  And I am obedient to go, as it always proves to be significant by the end/after the trip.  (Like obeying the word to go to DC to pray on January 6th, for example.)   Anyway, I stayed in a "family" resort off the strip, one on the south side that I like and have stayed at before a couple of times.  Upon entering the casino, I made my way to the check-in.  After I left the desk area and started to meander around the casino floor, I saw a guy that had been on my flight from Denver.  I recall him being very friendly with the flight crew an...

Raise a Signal Flag Throughout the Land

  Greetings in the Lord~ Well, in light of what is going on in Israel at the moment, I am leery about giving this prophetic word from Jeremiah 4, as it has to do with enemies from the north descending upon Israel.  However, it seems to me that this word is not about Israel, but rather, the U.S.   "Shout to Judah, and broadcast to Jerusalem!  Tell them to sound the alarm throughout the land: 'Run for your lives!  Flee to the fortified cities!'  Raise a signal flag as a warning for Jerusalem: 'Flee now!  Do not delay!'  For I am bringing terrible destruction upon you from the north."  A lion stalks from its den, a destroyer of nations.  It has left its lair and is headed your way.  It's going to devastate your land!  Jeremiah 4:5-7. Yes, it does seem like there is an alarm going off in the spirit realm right now, and it will manifest in the natural before long.  "Warn the surrounding nations and announce this to Jerusal...

Kelce, Swift and the NFL

Greetings in the Lord~ For a while now, the Lord has been putting on my heart the NFL, which I really like the NFL, but in this case, it's for a most annoying reason.  Namely, the Lord has been highlighting to me the wicked schemes of those who are trying to tap into that fanbase to interject their ridiculous anti-God agendas.  (These evil folks are none other than the global elites, who love their occult practices and are the eager earthly hands of the antichrist.  It sounds so stupid to state the truth bluntly, but in fact, there is a cohort of evil people doing just that.)   They were not satisfied with putting on occult Super Bowl half time shows or getting weak-minded athletes to take a knee at the anthem.  No, they had to buy off major supporting corporations (like Bud Light) to push their perversions, and buy off key decision-makers in the league to allow a transgender cheerleader and other such nonsense.  But now they are trying a more subtle a...

Athaliah Set Up in Babylon

  Greetings in the Lord~ So, last week the prophetic word of the Lord came from Zechariah 3 (and Amos 3-4 & Ezekiel 23), and this week it is more from Zechariah, chapters 5-6.  These two chapters provide more visions of what is to come, but they basically illustrate the word given last week and add a few more details. First, in Zechariah 5, the prophet sees a vision of a huge giant scroll flying over the land.  He finds out from an angel that this scroll has words of woe and curses for the thieves and liars on the land.  In other words, it seems that the most prevalent sins happening on the land at the time were thievery and lying.  Hmmm...sound familiar?  And while these are definitely sins of common occurrence, we can also understand that they are part of a wicked mindset that has been embraced by the evil doers of the land, those that are rebelling against God and His laws, i.e. an antichrist or idolatrous mindset.  The curse allotted against th...

Chaos and Oppression, Then the Re-Installation

 Greetings in the Lord~ For the past couple of weeks I've been reading from Amos 3-4, Ezekiel 23 and Zechariah 3.  Some of the things I have been discerning from these scriptures is that a major event -- a form of God's judgment -- is coming down the pike and will have the effect of ushering in God's "reset" plan for this nation.  Now when I say a "major event," it still feels like that is a multifaced thing, in that, one major event with lots of accompanying other instances that don't seem related in the natural but are related to the decree of judgment being executed.  Therefore, I do expect that the pinnacle of this judgment will be a change in leadership, but that the financial and security threats that are happening (at the border and in the economic exploitation of resources, technology, etc. from foreign national companies/people coming to plunder the land) is already at work.   I would also include other types of attacks--cyber, banking, info...

God Fills in the Gaps of our Faith

Greetings in the Lord! Well, after taking some time for much needed R&R, the Lord now prompts me to get active again and publish this latest prophetic word.  It comes from a book in the Bible that I must admit, I don't read from very often, not sure why.  Honestly, I am more familiar with those little Old Testament books that typically don't get a lot of attention, like Nahum, Habakkuk, Obadiah and Amos.  Anyway, today's word comes from 1 Thessalonians 3. This chapter is part of a letter to the church in Thessalonica, whose members have been undergoing prolonged persecution and hardships for their faith.  Paul is "afraid that the tempter had gotten the best of you and that our work had been useless."   It is a very legitimate concern and one that I'm sure many Christians can relate to currently, as we have had non-stop trials and difficulties and hindrances to our faith and Christian values since 2020.  It can take a toll on someone, and it has it seems...

Psalm 50: Real Versus Counterfeit Faith

  Greetings in the Lord! Well, here it is -- summertime; time goes by so fast.  For a teacher, July usually means a moment to stop and rest and get revived from the school year, and that includes me.  It's good to take a moment and reflect on all that is going on, and for me, to get out my journals and recall the word of the Lord from the past year or so.  It is good to re-read what He has said will come and give thanks as to how it was fulfilled, as we prophesy in part.  Even when the prophetic word is a bit troubling or trying, it is good to give God thanks that He knows the end from the beginning, there are no surprises with Him.  And that no matter how difficultly things may have played out,  His wisdom is perfect and we can trust in Him always.   I've received prophetic words over the past year that more trials would come to Trump and it has.  We watch as our two-tiered justice system keeps trying to point fingers at Trump while all...

Donald, AKA David

Greetings in the Lord, This Sunday we were discussing parts of 2 Samuel about when David became king over Israel, at long last.  The promise from God came early in his life, when he was just a young teen tending flocks.  But the reality is, it took many years and many, many hardships later before it came to fruition.  I think most Christians forget that.   It seems that they also forget just how much of an outsider he really was--his brothers were jealous of him, King Saul hunted him down with an army to take him out--luckily, to no avail.  He lived with the agitators, and they accepted him, but not many of his fellow Israelites.  Later on, his own sons tried to usurp him, even causing David to flee from the throne to save himself--all the while being mocked and cursed and spit at.  It seems it was one betrayal after another, one hardship after another, one personal test after another, and yet, he became not only king, but one of the pillars of th...

Isaiah 24-27--Lay Waste the Earth and Devastate It

  Greetings in the Lord, Today's word is more of a 'dream in due season', so to speak.  About 20 years ago, sometime in the spring, I had a dream that has since left me a bit shook.  Profound dreams are like that--you grapple with, ponder and re-tell them from time to time quietly, trying to make sense of what you saw in the night vision, always carrying them in the back filing cabinet of your mind.  Just like the meaning of the word "oracle," it is a burden to carry the revelation through to its birth into the natural realm.  But I digress. In the spring of 2003, I had many profound dreams for the United States, most of which were very easy to understand its meaning.  But this dream was different.  I was somewhere in the middle of the land and people from all over were gathering for what seemed to be a parade of sorts.  At first, it seemed like maybe it was a Mardi Gras parade, as everyone was wearing some sort of costume and acting very loud and...