
Transition Time in Europe--Word for 2020 Pt 1

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, as is my usual practice, I take the month of December to fast and pray and prepare for the New Year while I wait for the prophetic word for 2020.  Sometimes I don't get the word until February, sometimes I've actually gotten it in October or November, it really doesn't follow any predictable pattern as far as I can tell.  Anyway, today in my devotional time the Lord led me to read Daniel 7, a chapter I seemed to be getting more frequently this past year or so.  It is a passage in which Daniel shares his vision of four beasts coming up out of the sea. The fourth beast is very different from the others, more fierce and dreadful, and had more details included, like 10 horns and iron teeth and powerful legs that crushed its many victims under its feet.  Then Daniel goes on to talk about a rising up of a prominent horn that had human eyes and a boastful mouth that displaced three of its previous horns.  Those familiar with this passag...

The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock

Greetings in the Lord! For the past couple of weeks, I've been led to read a lot from Isaiah 21, 16, and 6.  The first two are similar because they talk about some of Israel's enemies--Moab, Babylon, Edom, etc. getting what is due them for all their wicked behavior.  Basically, it's cosmic payback time.  The chapter verses tell about invaders coming to destroy their cities and all of the people are in flight for their lives.  In Isaiah 21, a watchman is told to look for oncoming chariots, pairs of horses and other riders on donkeys and camels--indications that attackers were coming.  He eventually sees them in the distance and announces that "Babylon is fallen, fallen!  All the idols of Babylon lie broken on the ground!"  O my people, threshed and winnowed, I have told you everything the Lord of Heaven's Armies has said, everything the God of Israel has told me. Isaiah 21:9b-10.   The interesting thing is that I got this passage earlier this yea...

Just Like Roadrunner, God's People Are Victorious

Greetings in the Lord, The past week or so the Lord has been talking a lot about the prevalence of idolatry (sorcery) and deceitfulness in the land, and how much He loves faithfulness and righteousness instead.  And the passages I've been led to read include Hosea 10 and Isaiah 2, among others, and they are words of judgment coming to the wicked to cleanse the land of them---while promising victory to the righteous.  This includes words specifically about righteous leadership, meaning, victory and success to the "king." Now, it doesn't take a genius to see that our political landscape fits the bill, especially since another sham is going on in the impeachment hearings.  It's so ridiculous, kind of like watching episodes of Looney Tunes' Wild E. Coyote setting up failed traps for the Roadrunner over and over.  Seriously.  And every time Coyote sets up the rock or bomb or pit to catch the Roadrunner, it not only not works, but it backfires on himself.  So...

Live By Truth, Come Into His Presence

Greetings in the Lord! Well, there are a couple of updates that I'm going to share today, as well as today's word from John 2.  First the updates; recently, I attended a conference in Washington DC about the rising threat and need for policy on "Deep Fakes," i.e., fake videos that are being made to mislead people into believing lies about and from political figures and legitimate decision-makers.  At least that was what the synopsis of the conference said in their publicity materials.  As it turned out, protecting truth was not the main focus or top priority of many of the esteemed panelists, which included lead engineers from Facebook, DARPA and universities, and prominent lawyers from within academia.  No, as one lawyer so eloquently put it, "Truth is less of an issue than the winning narrative that results from the deep fake."  Amazing, huh?  And I'm not sure whether it was the 'polite company' we were in or the overbearing liberal bias of t...

Data-based Technology as a Weapon

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Luke 13, which happens to contain several different spiritual lesson points and examples.  Overall, it is a word to the Israelites to not be complacent or prideful or self-righteous about their place in the kingdom of God--lest they deceive themselves, "for many will try to enter and not be able to."  Yikes!  I don't know about you, but that statement always makes me nervous!  Then, Jesus goes on to make His point--you have to produce fruit in keeping with your repentance.   Jesus is saying that many of them held onto a false security--that they believed they were "good enough" as is.  They trusted in their own opinion of their spiritual works or righteous behavior, even looking down on others they felt were sinners or daring to persecute those who were indeed called by God to speak His words to them.  "But unless you repent, you too will all perish!" Jesus goes on to give several parables to ill...

No Longer a Tweet, But a Trumpet Blast

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Joshua 3 and 8; they are chapters talking about the start and early success of Israel as they enter the Promised Land.  Undeniably, it was a directive to go on the offensive and take the land.  That is the same directive and season we have entered into now.  We are to go on the offensive and take down the giants in the land--the light is green, go! The Lord told Joshua to follow His lead, as they had never gone that way before.  The Lord told Joshua to not be fearful or discouraged or distracted, but to resolutely determine to carry out the Lord's directives as He gave them, i.e. to follow the strategies that He gave, no matter how illogical they seemed to our limited logic and reasoning.  The Lord of Heaven's armies was going to do supernaturally what needed to be done, and Israel was to carry out the things in the natural what they were called to do.  In other words, God would do the heavy lifting!  ...

Burrowers Removed and Tunnels Destroyed

Greetings in the Lord~ For the past two months, I've been working on various household chores as it seemed the right time to do those things.  One of those un-glamorous chores was to get rid of the tunneling vermin in my lawns.  That has actually turned into quite a fun hobby, I might add.  There is a strategy to it, you know, and that strategy changes with the different types of vermin you are dealing with.  So, first you have to identify what you are dealing with by surveying the tracks, mounds, or lawn/vegetation damage that the hidden underground animals are making. There are different types of mounds and tracks that are made by different species, so this too, has to be carefully assessed. Then, after you've determined what species you are dealing with, you have to consider their food source: is it the root systems of plants and vegetation, or is it insects and worms?  That, too, tells you what you are dealing with and shapes your removal strategy. ...

From the Sea, a Tempestuous Storm to Cleanse the Land

Greetings in the Lord, Well, today's word comes from Isaiah 2, and from my experience with that and the next chapter, natural disaster is on the horizon, and in this case, from Dorian.  Yes, I know today it looks like things are slowing down to a standstill and even decreasing in intensity for this storm, but the word of the Lord says this: "This storm is going to regroup and wipe through Florida---there is going to be a lot of damage, but little loss of life." At this point I want to share the passage from Isaiah 2:6-22 that He also gave: You have abandoned Your people, the house of Jacob. They are full of superstitions from the East; they practice divination like the Philistines and clasp hands with pagans.  Their land is full of silver and gold; there is no end to their treasures.   Their land is full of horses; there is no end to their chariots.   Their land is full of idols; they bow down to the work of their hands, to what their fingers have m...

Great Upheaval That Leads to Great Revival

Greetings in the Lord, All this week I've been observing the updates about the events happening in Hong Kong, both in the natural and in the spirit.  The news articles and video clips are saddening and the tactics that are being employed to try and quell the protests--riot police, tear gas, water cannons, arrests, job loss, and of course the outright brutality and violence of the police, are really scary.  And those are just the things we know about.  But the worst prospect in my mind is the ominous social credit system---once identities are known of protesters, you can be sure that when the social credit system is in full application in Chinese outlying territories, that these folks will be blacklisted electronically and then life will be very, very difficult.  You see, the Chinese social credit system is a closed economic system, so when you are blacklisted, every electronic transaction they stipulate will be denied, IE they will be prevented by in large of parti...

People of This World Persecute Until the Full Number is Met

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, any way you slice it, the passage from Revelation 6 is a serious message and may cause some to be perplexed over the ways of God.  For that chapter talks about a time when His judgments are released upon the earth to do its work; war, violence, famine / disease, and death are unleashed to usher in a time of persecution that sifts the godly unto death.   When the Lamb broke the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of all who had been martyred for the word of God and for being faithful for their testimony.  They shouted to the Lord and said, "O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before You judge the people who belong to this world and avenge our blood for what they have done to us?"  Then a white robe was given to each of them.  And they were told to rest a little longer until the full number of their brothers and sisters -- their fellow servants of Jesus who were to be martyred -- had joined them.  Revelation...

Athaliah No More

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from 2 Chronicles 22 and also Psalm 109.  For me, 2 Chronicles 22 tells of a time period of Israel's Biblical history that is really interesting, and Psalm 109, well it kind of scares me, to tell you the truth.  I'll let you read that one on your own!  While the passages are completely unrelated as far as who and when the instances took place, there are common themes, however, namely, that there comes a time when enough is enough and God determines the downfall of rebellious individuals.  Also, both passages talk about people carrying out great treachery, deceitfulness, and violence to achieve their selfish ambitions, while interestingly enough, the Lord also raises up people to carry out His purposes, which, truth be told, might also be seen as treacherous and violent!  Herein lies the great conundrum of understanding Providence, free will and the will of God.  Does God have favorites?  It would seem so, "J...

Mystery of Persecution

Greetings in the Lord, When I get a prophetic word in a cluster of three, I pay attention because it's urgent and usually of a serious nature that unless I had the two confirmations in quick succession I would wait on it for awhile, not wanting to cry wolf.  But today's word is of a serious nature and a bit of a follow up from a word that was given nearly nine months ago -- so it seems as if it is ready to give birth. Anyway, in November 2018, I posted a word on this site about upcoming trials and persecutions that would be coming that would ultimately be used to sift and refine and even cause some to fall away from the faith, and yet, despite it all, the Mystery of Persecution would eventually result in that MORE people would come to the faith.  Well, for the past two days, again I am getting these same types of words from Scripture in John 16 and 14 that say that major persecution is on the horizon. "All this I have told you so that you will not go astray.  They w...

Generation X -- Return to Faithfulness

Greetings in the Lord~ This has been another fun-filled summer of travel, lakeside relaxation, and meeting up with friends and family I haven't seen in a while--such a blessing!  However, it hasn't been without some insightful happenings and reflection from the Lord, even a task or two to keep me sharp, I guess.  Anyway, as I have spent time back in my hometown, I've run into childhood classmates and spent time catching up in our town's local watering holes, the same places our own parents used to hang out after our sport games and school functions when we were growing up.  Only now, our widening backsides fill those seats and we tell our tales of family life, work and personal interests while our kids are with their friends and out of our hair for a period of time.  Of course, too, our conversations drift to politics of the day and we discuss as "Gen Xers" our thoughts on current events and cultural narratives ever blaring in our ears in the media and w...

Let Your Yes Be Yes, and Your No Be No

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's first word is from Matthew 5:17-46.  In these verses, Jesus focuses on the Law and then begins to explain God's heart and original intention in the Law, but because what he says almost sounds like he is changing the Law, he begins by clearly saying, "I did not come to change the Law...but to fulfill its purpose."   So, we can know right away that their culture and understanding of the Law was different than what God had originally intended.  Well, that always seems to happen; we learn the rules then set about to get around them or use them to our advantage!  In a nutshell, Jesus is saying that it is not enough just to obey the Law, but to also embrace God's heart and attitude for the Law as well, and they will lead to truth.  For example, the Law forbade adultery; yet Jesus explained that even having a heart full of lust for another was adultery.  Likewise regarding murder; if your heart was full of bitter anger towards som...

Worldly Lot, Our Lesson Too

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes primarily from Genesis 13.  It's the story of Abram and Lot going their separate ways, a separation that happens on many levels, I'm afraid.  In the natural, it was an obvious solution as both had many flocks and herds and the land could not support them together.  Even their herdsmen were fighting about the situation.  But the problem was way more than a simple case of too many animals; rather, it was the circumstance the Lord was going to use to reveal the real issues at hand.  You see, Abram was Lot's uncle and also a righteous man, faithful in God's eyes, so he was a wonderful familial role model and excellent spiritual mentor as well.  However, Lot only benefited on the surface of things, prospering because he was under Abram's guidance and authority, for Lot did not embrace Abram's deep devotion to the Lord and drifted away spiritually as he departed from Abram's presence.  Lesson number one: material w...

Another Shaking and Sifting for Hollywood

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's prophetic word is a continuation of a plumb line being held in an industry.  The first word was about Silicon Valley, but recently the Lord has added Hollywood & the music industry to the mix.  A plumb line is being held in these industries: it's time to line up and pass under for "inspection;" a sorting and sifting of the people in those industries is happening and will continue to happen leading up to a season of blessings and judgments to follow accordingly.  While the prophetic words are similar for each, today I will focus on Hollywood & the music industry and highlight the points given from the Holy Spirit from Ezekiel 11. The chapter starts with Ezekiel being given a vision of what is going on with the leaders in Jerusalem.  They were feeling smug and superior because they had not been taken away in exile, although, as Ezekiel sees and hears clearly, many were wicked men who had gotten ahead by oppressing those they h...

Darkness Over Silicon Valley

Greetings in the Lord~ This prophetic word comes from Amos 7:7-9 and it has to do with God showing Amos a vision of a wall being measured against a plumb line.       And the Lord replied, "I will test My people with this plumb line.  I will no longer ignore all their sins.  The pagan shrines of your ancestors will be ruined, and the temples of Israel will be destroyed; I will bring the dynasty of King Jeroboam to a sudden end."  Amos 7:8b-9 A plumb line is used to make sure of the straightness of a wall, for it will eventually fall if it is not straight.  This prophetic word is in reference to the high tech and social media giants of Silicon Valley -- the Lord is saying that He is going to test them to see if they are true to plumb, i.e. if  they are walking in integrity in their business practices and dealings with people.  Already, it is beyond obvious to most people that this is NOT the case (especially given the most recent action of...

Fatal Wound Was Healed

Greetings in the Lord~ Recently, I gave a lecture on Syria and the Caliphate and examined 5 things of significance to be VERY aware of from this conflict---and #1 on the list was the fact that al-Baghdadi is still alive!  True enough, a current news photo was released of him today with some followers discussing the final battle areas.  In my talk, I say it had been confirmed in February that his legs and one arm was broken and that he had diabetes, but to see a picture of him after 5 years is pretty remarkable.  In fact, I dare say that this is not a normal guy, nor a run-of-the-mill conflict either.  This is an extremely important prophetic scenario that is being played out right before our very eyes (from Revelation 13 and the book of Daniel.) The lecture series itself examines topics from an academic, experiential, and faith perspective and I do believe, to really have a full understanding of what is going on over there right now, and what to expect in th...

The Deep Waters of Silicon Valley

Greetings in the Lord! Recently, I gave a talk about China's social credit system and its possible significance for us in the West.  There are many reasons for this, but namely, because electronic data, in use with algorithms and artificial intelligence, is the wave of the future.  In fact, high tech elites and academic scholars alike are pushing a sort of new religion from Silicon Valley based on their vision of these things.  Well, while they might be right in that high technology and the internet are rapidly changing our global societies, I am also reminded of two simple proverbs: The words of the mouth are deep waters, but the fountain of wisdom is a rushing stream. Proverbs 18:4 The purposes of a man's heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out. Proverbs 20:5 I recall the time when I was learning about these proverbs. The Lord had given it to me in the morning to explain a dream I had the night before.  In the dream, I was swimming i...