To the Wizard Behind the Curtain

Greetings in the Lord!

You know what they say, "The more things change, the more they stay the same."  It's true, really.  We think we are so innovative and modern, but really, it is just the same ole thing done a little differently or faster, or more pervasively.  Take for example, internet spying. Whether it's done by governments, militaries, private businesses, individuals, or prepubescent hackers, it's not a new concept. Everybody thinks that if they can steal a little secret knowledge, they will gain some elusive advantage over someone else...or these days they like to pretend, to keep us "safe."  From who, pray tell?  A thief is a thief no matter the motive.  A bully is a bully no matter the circumstance.  Internet spying is about trying to obtain control and some advantage, plain and simple.  It's just a different frontier to harness and ride in our quest to conquer all.  Oh, brother!

I remember back in Syria 2003 the internet was policed meticulously and people's daily lives scrutinized by any and everyone all the time, just as a way of life.  The lucky ones got paid to watch particular people and for the information they could gather on "persons of interest."  Being an American female living there, I generated a low level of interest but still had people that were to be around me and watch and know my whereabouts as a general rule.  Since I didn't do anything particularly exciting except play basketball all the time, my keepers had a relatively easy and dull job to do.  However, my faith and the prophetic gift on my life was another story.  This stirred the pot!

While in Syria, I received many, many prophetic words from the Lord and shared them with people regularly.  At first my teammates and others just thought I was crazy uttering about improbable things yet to be seen...but when they were fulfilled?  Fear, anger, envy, puzzlement, persecution, doubt, mockery, rejection, timid belief, and so provoked a reaction!  Why? Because the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus.  And He "did not come to bring peace, but a sword," meaning, that His very presence and His words cut down to the heart of a person so they are compelled to  respond--either they would put their faith in Him or reject Him.  Peace comes with faith, but there can be no divine, inner peace for those who reject Him.  Prophecy will force a demarcation between believers in Jesus and non-believers.

This combustible aspect of prophesying was not new to me, but what I found fascinating was that the Lord used my journals to minister to even the spies that were assigned to me! Yes, after a couple of months of shaking things up with the prophetic words He gave me say, I guess someone wanted a closer look.  When I would return home, I found my belongings out of place in my apartment.  Obviously, someone had been there.  The Lord simply used the occasion to have me start drawing things in my journal to minister His words to them easily and without translation.  Jesus wanted to introduce Himself to whoever had been assigned to get those closer looks.  (FYI--Two months later it was confirmed to me directly that my suspicions about an intruder were correct.) 

So it is the same today.  I've been writing on this blog for over ten years and the Lord has used it to speak to many different people for His purposes.  Quite often, in fact, the Lord is simply speaking to the ones assigned to do surveillance on blogs, as Google, Twitter, YouTube, and many other social media is quickly becoming nothing more than high tech surveillance platforms.  These websites censor for "safety's sake," but are quickly becoming (have become?) agents of persecution.  Many are not Christian or hold to godly beliefs, but rather, have a secular, even anti-Christ view of justice devoid of God.  They claim to be fair and impartial, yet are not; voices of faith and truth and anything "controversial" are demonetized, marginalized, even removed from searches, and allowed to be flagged by others whose true agenda it is to silence Christians and other truth-tellers out there, while truly depraved material and profit-generating, invasion of privacy agendas are instituted.  You cannot be a "police" and act like a criminal.  Yes, just like it was in Syria--censors sought to police anything they couldn't control or were afraid would reveal too much.  Judges who accept bribes quickly become corrupted.

~Be blessed and be a blessing. 


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