
Dancing in the Streets

Greetings in the Lord! Summer travel season is in full swing!  I recently returned from a trip to Detroit, Michigan.  It is my birthplace, but as circumstances would dictate, I never really spent much time there.  So being reunited with my family on this visit, it was fun to explore their old stomping grounds and see and learn about the rich history that was, and is, and will shine again, in Detroit City.  In fact, that is the word of the Lord! There were a few times throughout the weekend that I discerned the Lord saying that He was going to use music once again to reach the hearts of the people--pure and joyful songs to encourage and cross cultural and racial boundaries.  The Lord is in the business of uniting all people together.  As I toured the Motown Museum, it was clear that God had raised up those popular singers of yesteryear, many of who were just young adults living in the area, to sing to the world a new song.  Even more recent popular singers, who may or may not serv

Game Changers Are Up to Bat

Greetings in the Lord! I just returned from a 5-day trip to the LA area.  The focus was to re-visit the places and people I was sent to minister to 5 years ago.  At that time the Lord had given me the word to go to Hollywood and declare, ' "I'm going to shake this place," says the Lord.'  The Scripture verse was from the book of Jonah 1:2, "Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before Me." So, I gave His words to individuals as well as very prominent ministries out there, all the way from Malibu, Chatsworth and North Hollywood, down to Garden Grove, Costa Mesa and Aliso Viejo.  The Lord also gave me a vision of the fires that would take place about 40 days later in Southern California that began this season of judgment.  It was a time of great distress for many in the LA area, especially for the ones I was sent to.  Troubles beyond the fires included IRS audits and bankruptcies, public divorces an

Word for the Desert

Greetings in the Lord! The first week of June the Lord gave this word concerning Saudi Arabia: "Can a 'David' come from the land of Arabia?  "Yes," says the Lord.  As this king breathes his last in the summer, so the breath of God blows on His 'David' to take the throne.  Just as the Lord searched over the sons of Jesse to choose David, the youngest among them, so the Lord has passed over the royal family lines and found a young 'eaglet' to raise up.  Rise and fly, My young eaglet!  Though upheaval, uprooting, and a clearing away must happen, you are strong, strong enough to defeat the giants in the land with My help.  As when I touched your heart when you were in America, so I will never be far from you or leave you nor forsake you." "Then the Lord will appear over them; His arrow will flash like lightening.  The Sovereign Lord will sound the trumpet; He will march in the storms of the south, and the Lord Almighty will shield the

God is Your Help

Greetings in the Lord! Well, true to form, the word at the beginning of the month of pushing through fatigue and "drought" and of overcoming unprovoked attacks from spiritual Amalekites has been happening.  Now is the time of gathering together as believers and petitioning God to move on our behalves.  Do not underestimate the power of prayer, my friends!  God loves a humble heart, unity among His people, and most of all in times of persecution, praying for your enemies.  Pray that the power of the devil be broken off those held captive by his lies of hate, violence, and false ideas.  God is birthing something wonderful in the nations these days; let's not get off track by the attacks of spiritual Amalekites.  Continue to push on through this season, my beloveds.  Set your face like flint and pursue the higher path laid out for us by God: love, mercy, speaking the truth, long-suffering, and being a peace-maker.  There are untold of blessings for those who remain in God

Push, Push, Push on Through!

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word comes from Exodus 17 and highlights a couple of teaching points for us to remember in this current season of pushing through.  "Pushing through?" you ask.  Yes, we are in a birthing season, similar to what we read about in John 16:20-22, where God is bringing to fulfillment many promises to people and nations--this season.  When you read the news and see agitating events taking place--wars, upheavals, new leaders in office and the like, you should understand and discern that birthing pains are happening all around us.  And yet, as Exodus 17 shows us, we can often feel like we've been stranded and forgotten in a desert.  "What is this 'freedom' we have?  We are wandering, thirsty and hungry in a desert!"  Ah, but God is birthing a nation (s)! Nevertheless, the complaints of the Israelites against Moses were like complaining against God...and not a good idea.  Why would you vex the only One who can save you?  In

One Person at a Time

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word comes from a small little book in the Old Testament called Habakkuk, chapters1:15-2:20.  The other times I've been lead to read these verses were before the fall of Saddam Hussein and imprisonment of the oil tycoon of Russia, Mikhail Khodrokovsky.  "The wicked foe pulls all of them up with hooks, he catches them in his net, he gathers them up in his dragnet; and so he rejoices and is glad.  Therefore he sacrifices to his net and burns incense to his dragnet, for by his net he lives in luxury and enjoys the choicest food.   Is he to keep on emptying his net, destroying nations without mercy?"  (Hab. 1:15- 17) Well, the Lord answers the prophet by saying: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.  For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false.  Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay." For M

Have Peace, He Has Overcome the World

Greetings in the Lord! Lately the Lord has been leading me to read John 16, which has Jesus telling his disciples plainly about the days of persecution that are ahead for his followers.  Maybe a little disheartening, and Jesus knows it, as he goes on to tell them that though the days of grieving are ahead, their sorrow will turn to joy just like the woman who gives birth and no longer remembers her painful delivery.  So it will be for us in these days. " fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God.  They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me."  (John 16:2b-3) But of course, with Jesus the story doesn't end there.  "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world."  (John 16:33) In Psalm 33 the psalmist leads the people in praise to the Lord for His Sovereignty over all the wor

Arise, My Darling Amsterdam

Greetings in the Lord! It's been another long while since I've shared what the Lord is saying these days, but not because He isn't speaking, but travel and circumstances.  Anyway, last month I went to Europe--Amsterdam, Paris, and Luxembourg, and was able to see some of what God is up to in those areas.  In a nutshell, let's just say that revival is getting ready to break out in those places--especially Amsterdam.  It was still very cold there, wintertime most definitely, as the snow dusted the ground and icy winds blew all around--such a sharp contrast from the hot desert where I came from!  But even in the chilled air I felt that God's people are being stirred to stand up.  A fire is glowing in their bellies and they are praising Him together, in warm fellowship.  Maybe not great in numbers, but they have a hot flame, and the blessing of unity dwells among them.  While they are carrying some missions work already, I discern that God has already impregnated so

Shekinah Glory Comes

Greetings in the Lord! There are a couple of passages of Scripture that every time I receive them from the Lord as a prophetic word, I am just a wee bit at a loss for understanding.  Oh sure, I get the words written there and usually the context and storyline.  But that's not how I go about sharing prophetic words.  It is not an academic study or a Biblical and historical commentary that I am sharing.  Rather, it is revelatory teaching, or Holy Spirit led enlightenment of the Word of God as He applies it to whatever issue, event, or circumstance He wants to discuss.  Therefore, I tend not to write on those passages that I don't have a comfortable level of discernment about; I feel that is just isn't wise to do so. Having said that, today I am sharing one of those passages that has long eluded a 'comfortable level of discernment' for me...until today.  It is from Exodus 13, the passage about Israel being required to consecrate every firstborn son and animal to t

Dawn Rises on the Desert

 Greetings in the Lord! A word from Mark 1:1-8) "The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It is written to Isaiah the prophet: 'I will send My messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way'--'a voice of one calling in the desert, Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.' And so John came, baptizing in the desert region and preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.  The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him.  Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River.  John wore clothing made of camel's hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey.  And this was his message: 'After me will come one more powerful than I, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie.  I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.'" This is and continues to be a specia

Word for South Africa

Greetings in the Lord!  It's been another long time since my last post--sorry about that!  This time I've been down in Cape Town, South Africa seeing what God is up to down there...amazing things!  First off, I just have to tell all of you that the whole Cape area is absolutely beautiful!  If you ever have the chance to go there let it be on your list of to-do's.  You can see God's handiwork everywhere--in the vibrant sea waters, the majestic rugged mountains, in the lush wine lands, and on the smiling faces of the new generation of people gracing the landscape.  Even the varied wildlife and marine animals found all around reflect His goodness and provision.  Praise God! But of course the most encouraging thing I saw was a maturing and Spirit-filled new generation of people.  Its been nearly 20 years since the end of apartheid and this new generation does not carry the scars of the former pains and oppression.  Oh, there still is poverty and differences among the

Jacob Is Loved

Greetings in the Lord! This past week I’ve been getting words with the same general theme: the coming day of the Lord’s wrath against all His enemies, the same enemies of Israel, and also about judgment against the rebellious in Judah.   In Zephaniah 1-2, the passages first mention a day of judgment for those in Israel who are bending their knee to foreign gods and for those who have grown rich through corrupt business practices.   The call is to repent before the coming day of the Lord. The next chapter lists all the coming judgments against Israel’s neighbors, all those who have arrogantly delighted in her sufferings, have instigated trouble and violence towards her, and conspired to take away the land in which they live.   The Lord will lay them low, scatter their armies, and overrun their lands with “desert creatures”, or unclean spirits will come to inhabit those places.   “This is what they will get in return for their pride, for insulting and mocking the people

Two Wrongs Do Not Make a Right

Greetings in the Lord! In the 1st and 2nd chapters of the book of Amos, we see the prophet being called to decree God's judgment on Israel's neighbors and their cities: Damascus, Gaza, Ashkelon, Ekron, Tyre, Edom, Ammon, and Moab.  They are under His wrath for their continual violence and evil practices.  Then the prophet goes on to also decree the same to Israel and Judah, although their sins differed, in that, while the other nations violated the generally recognized laws of humanity, Israel and Judah disobeyed the revealed law of God.  Their sins exposed the general moral deterioration of the nation in light of the revealed word of God that they had.  In essence, they were living like all their neighbors. Well, even though these words were written so many years ago by Amos the prophet we see God's word is as true as it ever was.  The indictments of the surrounding cities and nations still stand: "disregarding a treaty of brotherhood;" "pursuing his br

Sons of Light

Greetings in the Lord! Well, with the election finished and votes counted it seems that the US has decided to go with "the windstorm" for another 4 years... .  But the many promises the Lord has been giving to me for the US as of late were for a new administration, not the same one, so now what?  As I pondered these things in my heart I recalled the many other countries who over the years had opted out of God's plans for blessings and restoration to go their own way.  Take Russia, for example; when they embraced Communism and shut the doors to the Church they shut the doors to a rich Christian heritage and the many blessings that come with serving God.  For 80 years they wandered in the wilderness, so to speak, to now where they are still learning what is it to be a "free" citizen.  In fact, for many their "freedom" almost seems a curse as they recall the days in Communism where at least there was enough food to eat, a job to go to and some money in

This One Was Born In Zion

Greetings in the Lord! Psalm 87 is a bit unique, in that, it lines up more with the endtime prophecies of Isaiah talking about the ingathering of all nations unto God, including those people groups that were previously and traditionally opposed to God and His servants.  This psalm talks about these once opposers as now 'citizens of Zion', so to speak, or as being included in the family of God because they have allowed their hearts to get in agreement with His good and perfect will for their lives.  It's really quite encouraging and heartwarming to think about.  I discern the word for today is that we are on the cusp of this happening on a large scale, a time and season of reconciliation of people unto God--even those that were historically opposed to Him.  I believe this coincides with the election of the president of the United States.  Just as the first election was significant, as if each person was lodging their vote in heaven, so I discern is this one...and blessed

Promise of Restoration

Greetings in the Lord! Earlier this year, 10 months ago actually (January 13), I posted a dream the Lord gave me for this year.  It took place in New York City.  The gist of the dream was that I was watching and waiting for a beast to appear from the sea.  Before it came, the beast bought the loyalty of the people by showering them with gold coins and collector's items.  When people saw that they rushed to the scene to get theirs.  But I knew the beast was only buying their loyalty....and some of the others realized it too when they saw the "rare" autographed baseballs were not that valuable after all.  I yelled more warnings to the people not to follow the beast but they didn't listen.  Then a giant storm came in from the sea and the city and coastline became flooded with water from the storm and raging waves of the sea.  In fact, there was so much water that a giant mermaid swam through the streets waving to the people pleasantly, then, came the beast--a giant

Eagle Named Reconciliation, Justice and Compassion

Greetings in the Lord! Last night as I was praying for the United States I saw a battered eagle flying above the clouds.  The white feathers on its head were dirty and some had been broken off.  The brown body had the US flag on its back, and it flew along a bit unsteady, weakened and thin, but still carrying on as it knew to do.  Then a wind current began to take it higher and a pink and peach sunrise began to glow, warming its face and bringing strength and comfort.  The tattered feathers were soon replaced by new ones which were strong, clean and healthy and this eagle flew with purpose again, confident of its position high above the earth.  Its mission was reconciliation, justice and compassion.  As it soared high above I could see the nations of the earth below and discerned that God was going to re-establish the authority and honor it had given America in past years.  Under the outstretched arms I noticed something curious--under the left wing was the Japanese flag both bein


Greetings in the Lord! Being half way around the world from my home makes it sometimes difficult to keep up with national, local, and even family matters.  But when God wants to let me know something of importance to Him, regardless of where I am or what I am doing, He will just put it on my today.  I was sitting by the poolside enjoying the warmth of the Omani sun when I saw and heard loudly and clearly in my spirit, "Romney! Romney! Romney!" being chanted over and over.  I saw a map of the United States go from red to red, white and blue and begin to wave.  I thought about what day it was back home and knew the debates had finished earlier and people were now making their assessments.  I listened to the Spirit of the Lord as He let me hear what people were saying in the US: "It's time for a change alright, 'back to the basics' kind of change!" "I'm glad we've had a black man in the White House, America has always been

Adulterous Generation

Greetings in the Lord! For the past 2-3 weeks the Lord has been talking about adultery: spiritual adultery, literal adultery, you name it.  And it was finally today that it began to truly sink in when Jesus referred to "this wicked and adulterous generation" what He was talking about. In Mark 8:34-38 it all came together for me: Then Jesus called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.  For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.  What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?  Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels."   Jesus was pretty much laying it all on the line: eith

Farming to hit the target

Greetings in the Lord! This summer my father asked me to help him with the planting of his garden since he was recuperating from surgery.  I groaned.  "Ah, come on Dad, gardening's not my thing.  It's your thing.  Besides, I'm crippled too, I hurt my knee." "But if we don't do it now, it will be too late.  The growing season is short enough as it is."  Feeling like the ungrateful daughter, I relented.  "OK, I'll plant beans; you can cover them over." So, together we started planting the green beans.  I carefully dropped them into the shallow furrow, spacing them out just right and not clumping the seeds together.  Still, no matter how careful I was some of the seeds rolled next to rocks in the soil or clumped together anyway, and I started to calculate just how fruitful or not this planting would be.  Really dry, somewhat rocky soil, middle of hot July, rabbits, birds and bugs...maybe not so many beans this year. Hmm, farming w