
Showing posts from November, 2023

Sing Songs of Praise for Deliverance

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word is based on a recent intense dream I had, one that came with an accompanying scripture passage to help give the depth and seriousness of the dream.  It went like this. A female musician/entertainer was attending an industry dinner out in either LA or NYC, that was put on by a major elite in the business.  She was enjoying the evening of networking and socializing, but realized that though she was popular enough to get invited, that she was still just one of many trying to move up in the business.   At her table were various industry people, not all actors or musicians, but some were assistants and behind the scenes people as well.  In the middle of the table on display were small ornate gifts which everyone curiously noticed, but didn't talk about.  Finally, towards the end of the dinner, the female musician/entertainer took the initiative to hand them out to each person at the table, thinking the gifts were like the smal...

Hindsight Really is 20/20

Greetings in the Lord~ I think of all the scriptures in the Bible, those that have to do with wisdom are my favorite.  Of course, that goes without saying that the book of Proverbs tops my list.  But another book that doesn't always get the same fanfare that I really like is the book of Ecclesiastes.  And over the years, today's word is one that the Lord has spoken to me several times, which I always am amazed by its profoundness.   It is Ecclesiastes 7:8:  "The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride." It is a very encouraging word really, as it assures us that no matter how things look at the start--as most ventures are full of promise and positive expectation, or no matter how difficult the process may be going--as nothing worthwhile is achieved without some effort and conflict, that by the end of it we will have gained wisdom and peace by its closure.  It doesn't say that the ending will be in our favor or be...

The Coming Caravan of Calamity

  Greetings in the Lord, One of the things we read about in the news these days is the FBI giving us warnings of possible security threats in the U.S. from extremists who sympathize with Hamas.  The FBI doesn't give specifics, of course, but cites the obvious--thousands of illegal immigrants are pouring into our country every day without any oversight or knowledge about who they are or where they are going.  Indeed, this lack of good judgment and poor government policy is setting us up for all sorts of problems.   But prophetically speaking, we can know disaster and calamity is not as random as one would think.  In fact, the Lord gives us warnings of His judgments before these things hit the fan:   "The Sovereign Lord never does anything until He reveals His plans to His servants the prophets."  Amos 3:7 Now, God's judgments are different than incidents carried out by spontaneous human will, but that is another discussion about, "Why do bad t...