
Showing posts from August, 2021

Speaking Through a Foreign Tongue

Greetings in the Lord~ Today in prayer the Holy Spirit began to tell me: "In September, things will start to change -- stronger and more fierce winds will begin to blow on Biden, beyond his ability to handle it."   Then I saw a vision of Biden speaking at a podium and strong gales of wind swept in and nearly blew him over!  He was desperately clinging on to the podium trying to finish his speech, but each gust of wind combined with the next to increase the force against him.  Finally, he reached a point where he could not speak and just held on like a cartoon character as his body waved horizontally like a wind-torn flag at the top of pole.  It wasn't long after that he was blown away, tumbling and reeling out of control back to Delaware.  Interestingly, the winds blew from the left to the right; I'm not sure if that has significance but it seems so.   As I prayed to understand more, I discerned that as violent events and trying circumstances (even mor...

Decreed From Above -- Magic Veils Torn Off

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Ezekiel 13 and it talks about God decreeing judgment against false prophets that have risen up in the land and have been misleading the people with their lies.  Naturally, reading verses like that always make me take a moment of self-reflection and repent before the Lord, as any conscientious prophetic speaker would do, but I did not feel as though this word had anything to do with the actual prophetic voices coming from within the prophetic community.  No,these "false prophets" are the liberal voices in the mainstream media, White House, Congress and Big Tech / Hollywood who keep trying to whitewash the evil agenda they push.  They keep saying 'all is well', when it is clearly not; and work overtime to discourage the righteous in the land while they encourage the wicked by promising "life" and "peace."  They do not work to 'rebuild the walls' of the nation, but are happy to let it become w...