Burrowers Removed and Tunnels Destroyed

Greetings in the Lord~

For the past two months, I've been working on various household chores as it seemed the right time to do those things.  One of those un-glamorous chores was to get rid of the tunneling vermin in my lawns.  That has actually turned into quite a fun hobby, I might add.  There is a strategy to it, you know, and that strategy changes with the different types of vermin you are dealing with.  So, first you have to identify what you are dealing with by surveying the tracks, mounds, or lawn/vegetation damage that the hidden underground animals are making. There are different types of mounds and tracks that are made by different species, so this too, has to be carefully assessed.

Then, after you've determined what species you are dealing with, you have to consider their food source: is it the root systems of plants and vegetation, or is it insects and worms?  That, too, tells you what you are dealing with and shapes your removal strategy.  Also, consider the other characteristics of the animal you are dealing with--how often does it reproduce? Is it solitary and territorial or more communal and spread out?  How do they like to use their tunnels?  How often do they eat and tunnel? Do they make their own tunnels exclusively or are they willing to inhabit previous tunnels by other animals?  All of these types of questions will factor into how persistent and long the removal process will have to be. The most aggressive and complete way to rid your lawn of vermin is by extermination. Now is the season for that.

Start by selecting the appropriate bait and locate active runway tunnels.  Be sure to use gloves to completely cover your scent, then, poke a hole into the active runway and deposit the poisoned bait; cover the hole with a rock.  Interestingly, the burrowing vermin will come along and try to close the hole with dirt, but not before eating the bait.  That is very helpful as it indicates that the tunnel was indeed an active tunnel and you not only eliminate that animal, but can put surveillance on that hole/tunnel for future and repeated deposits of bait to eradicate all living in that tunnel system. 
Lastly, after a sufficient amount of time has gone by with no tunneling activity, destroy all tunnels as best you can and replant lawn grass if needed.  The whole process may have to be repeated for several seasons and extensive preventative measures taken to protect trees/plants and gardens once you've eradicated the current population as best as you can tell, but in the end, you will regain your beautiful lawn :) 

So, by now you've probably gotten the point of me writing about this household chore, the extermination of tunneling animals--it is the time for such things to be done in our country.  First off, those that have enjoyed making unsightly yet public mounds above ground for all to see as they do their dirty work, but rush off to close up their tunnel to get away from being held accountable for their destructive deeds will be dealt with first.  These are the territorial ones with tight inner circles who have an appetite for devouring all the "little people" in their path.  Watch and see how quickly their mound-making activity is stopped while they die in their holes.  

Next will come the process of dealing with the extensive network of underground tunnels from these burrowing animals.  Their tunnels will be identified and filled in, closing off any further activity.  Watch and be amazed as large underground living spaces and "food storage" areas are found!  So much has been going on out of view, and for quite some time.  

At the same time, other tunneling ones who leave no visible mounds but who continually seek to undermine authority (ie Trump administration) and justice by eating the root system out of view will be dealt with and their population reduced and their reproduction cycle will be disrupted.  Their tunnels have been there for quite a while as well, but since they leave no visible mounds, they've been mostly overlooked.  However, in this season strong intervention and eradication will come to them at last. This silent, betraying population multiplies pretty often, so persistence and strong intervention will be needed for quite some time and vigilant periods of surveillance as well.  The easy part is that they are very near to the surface and will readily eat the bait because they are not that bright.   

So there you have it---it is time to get rid of the burrowing animals in the land.  I discern that we will see this happen in more than the political arena, but also in Silicon Valley with internet/social media companies, in the entertainment / media industry and also with Muslim extremist-supporting organizations and their affiliates on university campuses.  Note too, that things like the current impeachment process and other forms of angry backlash to their tunnels being exposed will happen for awhile, but ultimately, truth and justice will rise to the top.  The wicked will see the promotion of those who carried out His will to eradicate the burrowing animals from the land and destroy their tunnels and they will be vexed and gnash their teeth and waste away; "the longings of the wicked will come to nothing."  Psalm 112:10.   Then the Lord said, "Look, I am setting a plumb line among My people...I will spare them no longer." Amos 7:8b.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.       


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