Eat, Read, and Pray

Greetings in the Lord~

Well, before I get to today's word, I'd like to give praise to God for beginning to fulfill His prophetic word from December 17th, 2018.  If you recall, that word was about God giving His people victory in the areas of battle they've been having, and specifically for President Trump, in that some of his most vocal and active enemies were going to get the tables turned on them.  First, was the apology given by Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren for her supposed tribal Indian heritage, and more recently, the adultery scandal of Jeff Bezos of Amazon/Washington Post hitting the fan, and frankly, too many other embarrassing and inflammatory Tweets, quotes, and lewd incidents of numerous Democrat politicians that have put them all in hot water and will most likely have some negative effect to their political career in the long run, if not short term.  And thank God for that!  Many who work to undermine and accuse President Trump of hate and deception should check their look in the mirror.  In fact, from a spiritual perspective, none of these divine reversals should come as a surprise.  For God's word tells us that each person eats the fruit of their own lips, and while that does tend to be a tripping stone for President Trump lots of times, all his enemies who spew curses will have their day as well.  And since we all sin, it really boils down to true heart motives -- bad motives get left holding the bag at the end of the day, so to speak.  Or, spiritually: curses belong to those deserving of them.

Anyway, today's word comes from John chapter 6.  It is a chapter that I've struggled to understand the depth of for a long time, for it does contain some deep messages.  However, the big picture is easy to see: the people did not believe or recognize or fully understand the miracles Jesus performed as proof of his divinity and Son-ship to God the Father.  Instead, they followed him for the worldly advantages (food) he provided, i.e. blessings.  It's like they wanted to be blessed, but not actually believe that he was the Messiah.  I mean, a prophet that came from an earthly family was not unusual or that special for them, but a Messiah?  God's own Son?  Many had trouble believing that, and without this belief, the next big point was going to be near impossible for them to receive: that Jesus is the Bread of life.

"I am the living Bread that came down from heaven.  Anyone who eats this bread will live forever; and this bread, which I will offer so the world may live, is my flesh."  John 6:51  

Jesus goes on to say several more times that they needed to "eat his flesh" and "drink his blood" to have eternal life in him, but all is lost on their unbelief and confusion about this statement they perceive as an invitation to cannibalism, which was revolting to them.  No, they missed all of the points because they were still stuck in a carnal and natural mindset which desired earthly blessings. 

However, the big point is that by believing that his miracles and healing and teaching are proof of his Divinity, we can know Jesus is the Messiah and Son of God.  Therefore, Jesus was saying that by believing in him as the Resurrected Messiah, we are to live our lives according to his Word ("eat my flesh" and "drink my blood") and we will have eternal life with Him.  Jesus is the Word of God made flesh and dwelt among us, so he was simply saying, "Because I am who I say I am, do as I do and become united with Me --then you will live with Me forever."  Or even simpler, "Just as you eat and drink every day to stay alive, likewise, carry out My Word in your lives every day and you will have a healthy spiritual life forever with Me."  Like eating and drinking, living out the Word of God is a practical activity and way of life to those who are truly living in Him.  And conversely, if your day to day life does not emulate or obey God's requirements, then you need to check your belief system and find out where you are dependent upon your own strength, resources and thought processes instead of relying upon and petitioning Christ Jesus, the giver and sustain-er of all life.  Are you too worldly?  Do you trust in yourself (or others) or finances or your own intellect instead of obeying and trusting the Word of God?  So today's prophetic word is a reminder to those who say they follow Jesus, to truly believe that He is who He says He is and can do all things, and put into practice His Word in their daily lives to remain healthy and strong in Christ Jesus forever.  Amen and amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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