
Showing posts from January, 2019

Enter Through the Gate in the Wall

Greetings in the Lord, Early on, when President Trump was campaigning about building a wall on the US southern border, it was funny, everyone chanting "Build the wall!" at his rallies. I really didn't think too much about it, but was entertained by the fervor of the crowd. Then, one day the Lord started to speak to me about walls. Most of the cities in the Old Testament had walls around them, in fact, many of the modern homes in Saudi Arabia still do! They serve a purpose, obviously, to keep thieves out, for safety, and there's nothing immoral about staying safe. But that wasn't what the Lord was talking to me about necessarily. No, the Lord was talking about rebuilding walls, the walls of morality in a person's life, walls of integrity, distinction in the Lord, not being like the world, with the wall a barrier that would keep the good in and the evil out. The Lord was also talking about rebuilding the walls of our nation, as far as the same issues were co...

Word for 2019---Great Winds Churning Up the Waves

Greetings in the Lord~ Just after the New Year holiday, I was praying for a word for the year and instead got what I discern is more of a glimpse of the next two years.  The vision I saw was of very dark skies and intense winds blowing on the open seas.  These were strong Antichrist winds causing the waves on the sea to rage and lash and roar with great ferocity.  In Biblical symbolism, the great sea is the mass of peoples who live in the world, and the waves are those people that will become and are hostile to God and shake their fists at His Law and Sovereignty. "The floods have risen up, O Lord.  The floods have roared like thunder; the floods have lifted their pounding waves. But  mightier than the violent raging of the seas, mightier than the breakers on the shore--the Lord above is mightier than these!  Your royal laws cannot be changed. Your reign, O Lord, is holy forever and ever." Psalm 93:3-5. Just as I was praying into this vision for more...