The Party's Over, Let the Clean-up Begin

Greetings in the Lord!

Well, by now most prophetic speakers have already given their word for the 2018 year, but I am still waiting for that.  When I inquired prayerfully about it one day the Holy Spirit simply said, "Wait for it."  Hmmm, OK.  What choice do I have but to wait, then?

In the meantime, it does give a chance to acknowledge the previous words that appear to have been fulfilled within the past month or so.  The first one is with sadness that I mention a very famous K Pop singer, Kim Jong Hyun that passed away around the December solstice.  He was only 27 and really still at the height of his career.  They say it appears to be a suicide, but who really knows.  I do believe that trouble was diverted from Hollywood folks at that time and was carried out in another region of the music industry.  I've seen this before a couple of times where the Lord will give a time to pray and intercede for people to keep them safe (December's word), but sometimes trouble still comes to pass in a place where people were not expecting or in all likelihood not praying either.  There is a very curious passage in Isaiah 43 that references this situation (behavior of the Lord), however perplexing it is to understand.

"For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.  I gave Egypt as a ransom for your freedom; I gave Ethiopia and Seba in your place.  Others were given in exchange for you.  I traded their lives for you because you are precious to Me.  You are honored, and I love you." Isaiah 43:3-4 

Now some people may get annoyed reading that and say, "God plays favorites?? I thought He loves everybody! That is so unfair!"  Well, to our conventional understanding of fairness, maybe yes, but 1) God's protective promises are for those who are under His covenant, and 2) His ways are not our ways.  So at the end of the day you just have to acknowledge that God is Sovereign and is not capricious, but He always has a good plan even when things look pretty bleak.  Anyway, I did some research and came across an older song Jonghyun sang with his group in 2013 and it was called, "Lucifer."  It really doesn't get any better from there, I'm afraid....

Moving on to the most recent prophetic word I posted that was about "Caesar worship," it's interesting that within days of that post, Iran started having protests against their government and their "Caesar" type figure.  In all reality, it is hard for any nation where religion and government are so intimately linked by doctrine and law; it only stands to reason that Caesar-worship would always be a temptation and problem in those places.  Anyway, our simple takeaway is that God is on the move and fulfills His words in His own way and time and place.  Praise God for His faithfulness, and we pray for that country for the Lord's will to be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Today's word comes from Amos 6.  In addition to all of the shakings going on in Hollywood, I discern that this word is for the Disney company; the movie, TV, and cable channel, that is.  In the couple of verses leading up to chapter 6, the prophet Amos shares a chastisement from the Lord against Israel recalling their worship of idols, specifically to Sakkuth and Kaiwan a star god.  These images were pagan in origin, some sources say from Assyria and some say from Egypt.  Either way, it was this idol worship that got all the other nations in trouble and now Israel was doing the same...and would not be spared either.

Amos 6 warns Israel not to feel so relaxed on their ivory beds and assume their wealth and affluence was going to spare them.  No, in fact it was their apathy, idolatry and arrogance that was detestable in God's eyes.  The rich really did not care about the poor and they allowed injustice to rule in the land if it favored them, and they had no intention of getting rid of their idols.  Therefore destruction was being decreed for them.  In this case, I discern that Disney is going to come into some rough waters soon.  They have been proliferating witchcraft material in most of their movies and TV shows and have been getting rich doing it--not caring that magic is definitely anti-Christ and that it might be clouding our understanding that witchcraft is harmful.  No, for generations they have been showing us spells and hexes and other forms of sorcery guised as harmless entertainment, a cute little mouse running around with a wizard's hat and dancing objects and blue genies, and so much more.  Well, these days not only are their programs witchcraft-laden, but many of Disney's young actors and actresses are being spiritually corrupted by being told to consult psychics, mediums, and hypnotists over career matters.  It is not good for the actors or the people who watch those shows and movies.  Luckily, the Lord is decreeing a time of shaking and exposing Disney and what they are doing these days.  Praise God that He cares enough to intervene in our circumstances; He raises up whistleblowers and brave people to share their testimonies of all the corruption that goes on within that company--just for the sake of making a profit and getting rich--and sets captives free from their grasp. 

"How terrible for you who sprawl on ivory beds and lounge on your couches, eating the meat of tender lambs from the flock and of choice calves fattened in the stall.  You sing trivial songs...and fancy yourselves to be great musicians like David.  You drink wine by the bowlful and perfume yourselves with fragrant lotions.  You care nothing about the ruin of your nation.  Therefore, you will be the first to be led away as captives.  Suddenly all your parties will end."  Amos 6:4-7

~Be blessed and be a blessing.



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