His Perfect Bonfires Clear the Land

Greetings in the Lord,

This past weekend I spent quite a bit of time enjoying the outdoors, one of our last dog days of summer. While I was enjoying the sun on the beach, I noticed there were several large plants growing in the sand. But upon closer inspection, they were not plants, but just weeds that had grown really tall. For whatever reason my attention was drawn to these weedy plants and I had the urge to pull one out of the sand.

It took very little pulling for the whole entire plant, root system and all, to be uprooted from the sand. Then, like a hand bell, I shook the plant and watched as all of the sand that had been trapped in the root system fell freely back to the sand. Within a couple of seconds, the wispy root system was entirely separated from the sand and disposed of, while the sand freely returned to the beach.

I pulled a few more weedy plants and found the same result, however, some weeds had vines underground with bulbs, as if they were trying to sprout new plants in the surrounding area unseen and unnoticed. But even those vines and bulbs uprooted with very little effort and soon the beach was cleared of all the weedy plants.

Next, my attention was drawn to the pile of leaves and cut trees behind me. The area had been cleared and these young trees were now piled in a clutter along the beach making a very unsightly mess and a haven for wild animals. I had the urge to cut these small trees up and clear the area of the mess by making a fire in the pit and burning them all.

With rake in hand and a bucket of water nearby, I made no small bonfire to dispose of the dried clutter. The heat of the fire combined with the heat of the day made this an unpleasant task, but I felt compelled. All afternoon I worked and made significant progress, but the chore would not be done in one day. It would take more time and much arm strength to remove this dried clutter from the land. Then the Holy Spirit put some things on my heart, namely, that now is a season of clearing the land of gnarly weedy plants and burning up the dead, unfruitful and cutoff trees and dried clutter.

Weeds are anything the enemy of our soul tries to plant in people's minds and hearts: lies, hateful ideology, false beliefs, unjust social and economic systems and calling evil good and good evil. But just as I saw of the weedy plants in the sand, the kernels of sand will be freed once these belief systems are rooted out and exposed. For example, on the surface of things there are social issues these days that seem like noble causes. However, the true driving force pushing these issues are not noble or good. Protesting the American flag, anthem, and values of the United States is not a noble cause. Our Constitution is one of the few documents in the world that actually states all people are equal and deserve the right of liberty and happiness.  Though we are a diverse Nation, our constitution and citizenship to this nation seek to guarantee these inalienable rights. In fact, it is our citizenship as Americans that is our common ground to have any meaningful discussion or to address individual wrongs that do happen in our imperfect world. To protest this doesn't really make any sense, but as weeds do, they appear as healthy fruitful plants until we discover otherwise.

I expect to see a growing and distinct separation among people on several social and national security issues, and it would not surprise me if people completely flip-flopped from their own beliefs in the next few months as their hearts become enlightened as God burns the chaff away with His presence.  His Presence stirs repentance for some and judgment fire for the unrepentant.  True motives and heart attitudes and unjust mindsets are hard to expose and sometimes even harder to root out, so praise be to God who provides just the right situations to flush out and expose these things for us.

Now, on a personal note, I do think that it is worth saying here (and we can all agree) that families that have lost loved ones during an altercation with police requires close examination for justice. Police can and do kill people and circumstances and motives have to be examined justly, with all wrong doers held responsible. But to make the sweeping claim that police are racist and bad is an injustice to our hard-working law enforcement. I have lived in many countries where you would never ever call the police when in need because they are so corrupt. However, it is time to uproot the weedy plants of accepted violence and hatred and corruption in whatever form and community group they are fostered in, seen or unseen. And I do discern that we are in a season of doing just that.

I will say one more thing, the bonfire I had to clear the clutter was very smokey, hot, and intense with flames. I expect that while some things will uproot and separate easily, there will be some struggles for our country in the near future that will be intense as the clutter and hate in people's hearts is exposed and burned away. In fact, it takes much strength and self-determination to purposely burn up dead, unfruitful mindsets and heart conditions. Thanks be to God who gives us fires of conflicts to expose, burn up, and clear out our beautiful land for all to enjoy.

"The Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside cool waters; He refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths for his namesake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely Your goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

Be blessed and be a blessing.


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