Yes Means Yes, and No Means No

Greetings in the Lord,

A little over a month ago I received a prophetic word saying that God was really going to enforce and brood over the contracts and agreements made between nations during this year--mainly between the US and many different nations of the world.  It was a word to highlight and encourage several things: 1) for nations to adhere to and be faithful to what they sign the dotted line for; also, it was a warning that those leaders who think they can agree to one thing, but turn around and make secret deals to the contrary--they will suffer hardships and may be removed from office; 2) that sometimes it is in God's will for a nation to submit to the leading and authority of another, in this case, the US is being raised up again as a solid world leader to bring changes in laws and societal thinking that align more with God's heart for the nations; it is wise to follow this lead.  The Lord raises up one nation and lowers another according to His plans and purposes.  I find that most nations that have a strong economy and GNP are arrogant, thinking they have accomplished this by the work of their hands and decision-making skills.  But that's not true.  Nations and cities have lasting prosperity by the hand of God.

Anyway, today's word comes again from the book of Ezekiel, chapters 17 and 13.  In chapter 17 we read a parable about two eagles and a vine.  One eagle planted a shoot in fertile soil and made a covenant with it; but this vine betrayed that eagle and sent its roots toward another eagle.
Say to them, "This is what the Sovereign Lord says: 'Will it thrive?  Will it not be uprooted and stripped of its fruit so that it withers?  All its new growth will wither.  It will not take a strong arm or many people to pull it up by the roots.  It has been planted, but will it thrive?  Will it not wither completely when the east wind strikes it--wither away in the plot where it grew?'" Ezekiel 17:9-10
Obviously, this is a word to some leaders who have in mind to betray the contracts they have already agreed to and whatever short-term benefit they got from it will not last, but be uprooted and shrivel up.  They are left weaker than before and will be disgraced and reprimanded by the first "eagle."

Why have these betraying countries made their decisions to renege on their contracts and agreements?  Chapter 13 tells us that they have been influenced by "false prophets."  Those that claim to hear from God but are really speaking out of their own imaginations and personal agendas.  Realize, that in our modern world, we have to know that one's intellect may be their 'god,' so technically those who speak from their own intellect and rationalizations are false prophets, too, even though they would not identify themselves as so.  But this passage further identifies them as those who will proclaim "Peace!" when there is no peace, and will cover up or "whitewash" areas that actually need reinforcement and intervention.  These false prophets have no interest in addressing the needs of the country or its people, but are only interested in preserving selfish ends or agendas.  With this passage I also saw a vision of a raging storm that was dismantling a house piece by piece.

"When it falls, you will be destroyed in it; and you will know that I am the Lord.  So I will pour out My wrath against the wall and against those who covered it with whitewash." Ezekiel 13:14-15

The last part of Ezekiel chapter 13 is interesting as it specifically calls out women who are misleading the people by using and ensnaring people in witchcraft.

 "This is what the Sovereign Lord says: 'Woe to the women who sew magic charms on all their wrists and make veils of various lengths for their heads in order to ensnare people.  Will you ensnare the lives of My people but preserve your own?...By lying to My people, who listen to lies, you have killed those who should not have died and have spared those who should not live....I will tear off your veils and save my people from your hands, and they will no longer fall prey to your power.  Then you will know that I am the Lord.  Because you disheartened the righteous with your lies, when I had brought them no grief, and because you encouraged the wicked not to turn from their evil ways and so save their lives, therefore you will no longer see false visions or practice divination.  I will save My people from your hands.  And then you will know that I am the Lord."  Ezekiel 13:18-23

I discern that this last part is talking about Angela Merkel, which actually kind of surprises me as I've never gotten a word about her before.  Being female, I've always just sort of rooted for her, and Hillary Clinton as a matter of fact, but the Lord does not speak favorably of them at all.  Almost everything I've received from the Lord about Hillary has had to do with witchcraft and sorcery and her demise because of it...and now Angela.  Well, the "veils" mentioned in this passage can be either literal or spiritual, as the spirit of propaganda and lies attempt to put a veil on people's minds so they cannot discern truth, and we know that these demonic spirits have historically done a lot of damage in Germany from their leaders.  That is why we are called to pray for government leaders, whether we support them or not.  They need our prayers to protect them from governmental demonic spirits that attempt to sway them to wicked agendas, and unscrupulous people, too, no doubt.  They need our prayers! (It is amazing how many leaders fall into the sin of witchcraft and sorcery, maybe even unknowingly.)

Anyway, as a praying Christian we should pray that the Lord's will be done on earth as it is in heaven; that nations and leaders will turn to God for wisdom and protection and put their trust in Him; and that we all learn to let our 'yes be yes' and our 'no be no' as it was with Jesus Christ, in Him there was no sin.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.



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