
Showing posts from May, 2016

Build that Wall, Mr. Trump!

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, much has been said about the wall that Mr. Trump wants to build along the southern border of the United States--cheers, ridicule, scoffing, and everything in between.  But you know what?  That wall idea is a God-given, prophetic utterance!  My guess is, too, that Mr. Trump doesn't even realize that.  No, just like the Cyrus of the Bible, Cyrus decreed the re-building of the temple of Jerusalem and didn't know he was fulfilling prophecy by doing so until it was pointed out to him. Let's take a moment to discuss the Biblical implications of walls around cities, in general.  In the book of Nehemiah, Nehemiah was brought to tears when he was told that Jerusalem's walls had been torn down and its gates burnt up.  To people in those days, that meant that the city was defenseless against its enemies, that even wandering animals could enter and trample and devour its inhabitants.  But more than that, it was symbolic that God wa...

Mr. "Haman" Khan--Don't Tread on Us

Greetings in the Lord~ On Sunday I was led to read a passage from Esther chapter 3.  It's not one that I read very often, and given the story, it caught my attention right away--who was promoted to a position of authority and was desiring to kill off the people of God?  That is, in fact, the story of Haman.  In chapter three we read about King Xerxes elevating Haman and "giving him a seat of honor higher than that of all the other nobles."  But right away, he used his newly-gained position to try and launch an attack against not only his adversary, Mordecai, but against all of the Jews.  He deceived the king and got him to issue a decree that would allow him to destroy the Jews, once and for all.  However, we know that the story does not end there.  Rather, Haman was found out and hung on the gallows he meant for Mordecai, and the Jews protected themselves successfully and gained peace and security in the land. So it is with our modern-day Haman, M...

White Stone With a New Name

Greetings in the Lord! For the past couple of weeks, when I think of Donald Trump I immediately see a giant wall assembling in the spirit!  Yep, and the bricks are colored white and they represent people--American voters as they get behind him.  They are building a wall of defense, for our walls have been torn down, especially these past eight years. The wall is white, which stands for purity, truth, and goodness.  But there have been many things to tear down this wall--gay marriage, legalization of marijuana, open borders, and so on.  Enough is enough, already, and one by one, Americans are finding their voice, rising to their feet, gathering at the gate (in Biblical language) to contend for what is right and good and godly.  I'm not saying that the Donald is godly--but I do believe he is the Cyrus that the Lord in His mercy is giving us to get back on track, not prosperous, per say, but to fight the good fight and be champions of integrity in business, gov...