
Showing posts from October, 2014

Skirts Torn Off

Greetings in the Lord! Well, on the last post I shared the vision I had about God intervening on our behaves on the spread of Ebola in our country, and lo and behold, it seems that we are making progress on stopping the spread of the virus.  The nurses and journalist are recovering well, and the family members that were exposed to the virus did not contract it--so a big hallelujah to our God!  The Lord really is good to us. Around the same time that I shared the Ebola word and word for Britain First, I also had another dream about Western girls going over to Syria to become jihadi brides.  I'm not sure why the Lord keeps showing me the people being recruited to go over there, but He has been for the past five months or so.  Anyway, this time I would like to share the dream because the Lord gave a specific word about how He sees the situation and what He has purposed for these recruits. First, I saw several white Western young ladies sitting together...

Filling-in the Tunnels

Greetings in the Lord! Quite often when we see things happening in the natural, we forget that many times there are catalysts or influencing factors in the spirit realm first, then it manifested in the natural.  Knowing that is quite helpful, actually, as when I see something in the spirit realm I can pray accordingly to either help thwart or bring to fruition what I see happening in the spirit.  For example, there have been many times when I have entered a school or public building and felt a negative spirit there, maybe even death, and prayed against it so it could not manifest in the natural.  Praise God that He allows us to pray to Him for all things! That brings me to my dream I had this morning.  I saw an extensive "railway" system being built underground.  There were many local tracks being laid with a long distance track already in use.  The workers were dressed in all black cloaks, so I knew they were trying to build these ...

Bind Up the Testimony

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word comes from Isaiah 8.  In a nutshell, it talks about the Lord using the great and terrible Assyrian army to overtake Aram and the confederacies of Syria, and Ephraim (the northern kingdom of Israel at that time.)  In fact, the sweep will be so fast that the prophet Isaiah is to name his son, "Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz," which means 'quick to the plunder, swift to the spoil.'  In verses 6-7 the Lord gives us a reason why this happens so quickly: "Because this people has rejected the gently flowing waters of Shiloah and rejoices of Rezin and the son of Remaliah, therefore the Lord is about to bring against them the mighty flood waters of the River--the king of Assyria with all his pomp."  What does this passage mean?  Basically, it was saying that within the northern part of Israel and surrounding areas there were many people that were siding with their enemies, even endorsing the cruel and vicious campaign of the River...

Britain First, America Second

Greetings in the Lord! Over the past couple of days the Lord has directed my attention over to the UK, specifically to the Britain First organization and to the Rotherham child abuse scandal that went public in August.  For those of you who don't know, Britain First is a group whose self-declared mission is to stir up patriotism amongst Britons to counter and verbally challenge the anti-British rhetoric and Sharia Law imposition of radical Muslims in England.  While this group is becoming quite popular in social media, they have turned some fellow Britons off with their intimidating "Christian patrols," which is meant to counter the "Muslim patrols," and by entering mosques to "talk" and evangelize to Muslims.  Their actions have been seen as too aggressive for the average British person, and wholly unwelcomed by most British Muslims, rightfully so.  Can you imagine if a Muslim went into our church and started proselyti...

Boundless Love of God

Greetings in the Lord! The most interesting thing about prophetic words regarding nations and current events is patiently watching for them to come to pass.  You never know how they will be fulfilled, or who God will chose to carry it out, but when a headline or story is published confirming the fulfillment of the Lord's word, it truly is a time to acknowledge and give thanks to God...even if it is a word of God's judgment, because ultimately, we know that mercy triumphs over judgment and God has a redemptive plan at the end of it all.  Restoration is God's calling card!  It is with that premise that I want to share with you a wonderful word that has come to pass in the country of Albania.  This week I was reading an article from The Christian Century magazine, a regular column called, "Notes from the Global Church," written by Philip Jenkins.  In his article he tells about the amazing work of Anastasios, the archbishop of Tirana and ...