Big Green Frog Shows His Teeth

Greetings in the Lord!

Just before waking up this morning I saw a vision of a large (size of a very fat cat), putrid green frog sitting next to my bed.  It just sat there, looking at me with its mouth completely wide open, exposing its sharp black teeth to me.  In my vision, I called for help in catching this huge frog.  As two people came to round it up, the frog jumped back and forth to elude them, then jumped out of my vision.

As a sat up in my bed thinking, "What on earth was that?" I recalled a passage of Scripture from Revelation 16: 
"Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet.  They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty."  Revelation 16:13-14

Those three evil frogs of the passage were demons who had the assignment of spreading propaganda to deceive people, so they would willingly accept and support their evil lies and wicked agenda.  Ah, so the frog I saw was evil propaganda!  Being a political science major, I have studied the effects of propaganda and current trends of usage in governmental propaganda.  Beyond academia, the Lord has also quickened my learning to see wicked spiritual strategies and effects of propaganda.  The bottom line is, all propaganda has its roots in spiritual wickedness, for deception is darkness. 

Interestingly enough, the passage in Revelation 16 goes on with Jesus saying,
"Behold, I come like a thief!  Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed."  Revelation 16:15

Jesus is saying that He will return on a day that no one will know, so it is important for Christians to be vigilant against the deceptions and evil propaganda that, if we buy into them, will leave us spiritually weak, naked, and guilty before the Lord.  The "clothes" we are encouraged to wear and guard are our robes of righteousness.  So the question remains,
"What current propaganda are we to resist and be vigilant against?"

Well, for the US and most of the Western world, our evil propaganda comes through media outlets, whether that be TV, movies, music, newspapers, or all of those and more on the internet.  That makes Hollywood the right hand man of the White House.  And, we know that propaganda is very effective on the youth first, so look at "kid's" movies, TV shows, cartoons, and games to see what messages are being sold to the kids.  Obviously, these days there are way too many examples of media trying to mainstream homosexuality.  What's next--pedophilia?  Once you go down this road you open a huge can of worms.

Another major theme is the downplaying of marijuana's negative health effects.  Anybody using common sense will tell you that marijuana has way more negative health effects than beer or sugar, but contrived news articles (even 'science') will contend differently.  This is a form of propaganda.

Another theme that is popular in today's propaganda is the condoning of adultery and sexual sin (promiscuity).  We are not to commit adultery---end of story.
I've written many times about the proliferation of witchcraft and sorcery that is found in our culture today.  Certainly that has its own widespread distribution of propaganda, but now we are onto the occultist sidekick, and that is Religion, or more specifically, the ushering in of the Religious spirit.  You see, without the Holy Spirit, Religion is just man's organization that promotes a set of rules--and punishments for breaking those rules.  Religion thrives on tradition, oppression, deception, and man's pride and reason.  Religion was the reason why our forefathers fled to the US in the first place.  It's kind of ironic then, that the next form of propaganda will be to condone and promote a hate-filled, controlling "Religion," by endorsing Islam and trying to get Sharia Laws passed. 

So, to understand this, let's look at the 'hate' bill that was proposed in Arizona.  It was less about refusing homosexuals customer service and more about pushing a bill that legalized religious bias and hatred.  Initially, religious conservatives were supposedly the ones pushing that bill and looked like the bad guys.  But I find that hard to believe as quickly as that bill was endorsed by the legislature and given to the governor for signing--most of Arizona had never even heard of the bill until it was up for signing.  No way, that bill came down from higher in the food chain and only got stopped short of passing by a now, soon-to-be retired governor.  Pushed out of office?--probably, but we'll never know.

You see, if that bill had passed, "Religions" that actually do stipulate hatred and bias would then find a strong legal footing in Arizona.  Then, many parts of Sharia Law would have already been passed there, in effect.  Needless to say, not only is that a very scary thought, but this next propaganda about "religious freedom" will be very cunning and convoluted indeed.  The propaganda will push "religious freedom" in one direction, while opening the door for religious intolerance in another direction! 

Expect the propaganda to also promote false peaceful claims about Islam and make the issue out to be a civil rights claim, all the while pushing for Sharia Law that denies equal rights in practice.  The propaganda will try to recruit many unsuspecting young guys to Islam, as they desire the sensational claims made about Islam from TV shows like the popular, "Family Guy": "in our religion the women must do everything we tell them."     

Lord, we pray today that you open the eyes of our hearts to see deception wherever and however it may be found, and give us the vigilance and wisdom to follow in Your ways; to not stand with rebels, to not walk with the wicked, and to not sit with mockers as we live our lives from day to day, but to follow the leading of your precious Holy Spirit.  Fill us to overflow with Your love for others and for You.  In Jesus' name we pray, Amen. 

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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