Like a Soaring Eagle, a Bird of Prey

Greetings in the Lord!

This morning I had a dream where I was being shown all different types of drones--the unmanned flying aircraft popular these days with the Obama administration.  The man showing me these drones pointed out the varied weaponry on each, which included all types of guns and rocket launchers and telescopic lenses with tracking devices, and gave me a short briefing of each one's detailed purpose.  I was amazed that there was such a variety; each for a specific assignment.  Some of the drones had other technology as well, but mostly these were for attack, locating targets, and intercepting communications.  In short, they were very expensive model airplanes used for surveillance and offensive military assignments. 

Well, after a vivid dream I usually Google online and see what's happening in the news, as most often it is related.  Sure enough, I came across this article today:

Evidently, the US will be using a fleet of 7,500 drones to patrol our skies and is currently working with the FAA to map out air apace for everyone.  Hmmm, not sure what to think about all that, except that, if God shows me something in a dream and then I see it in the news, I pay attention. 

Today I was also led to read from the book of Hosea, chapters 5 & 6.  In those chapters Israel is divided into two nations, Ephraim and Judah.  Ephraim does not worship in Jerusalem anymore, and has instead put up its own idols in Samaria.  They are basically an apostate nation at this point, and in the chapters in Hosea God issued judgments against them:

I know all about Ephraim; Israel is not hidden from me.  Ephraim, you have now turned to prostitution; Israel is corrupt.  "Their deeds do not permit them to return to their God.  A spirit of prostitution is in their heart; they do not acknowledge the Lord.  Israel's arrogance testifies against them; the Israelites, even Ephraim, stumble in their sin; Judah also stumbles with them."  
Hosea 5:3-5.

It goes on to talk about how Ephraim is not repentant; though they have suffered because of their own sins.  They simply rebuild and go on like business as usual.  Kind of what happened in the US after 9/11--people were in shock for awhile and went back to church for a time, but over the short years society in general has slipped even further away from God.  For example, also in the news today are the new 'mega-churches' for atheists, which is a bit ironic if you ask me.

"What can I do with you, Ephraim?  What can I do with you, Judah?  Your love is like the morning mist, like the early dew that disappears....For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.  Like Adam, they have broken the covenant--they were unfaithful to Me there."  Hosea 6:4, 6-7.

From these verses I discern that in some way, shape or form the US has passed a cosmic 'point of no return' and we will begin to have trouble like we haven't seen before in our nation.  The Lord had always referred to Obama as "a bird of prey" that had been sent here to usher in judgment, not blessings for secular America, so I pondered that in my heart.  But of course, as a God-loving Christian, I am not scared and know that all is well with my soul, no matter the trials that come.  When the darkness gets darker, the Light shines brighter! 

Still, the question lingers in my heart: why is the Lord showing me the drones?  One of the countries most upset by the use of drones is Pakistan, and rightly so.  Our military has been using them to attack Pakistani Taliban and al Qaeda for while now and has hurt civilians in the process.  In the second part of my dream, I saw a bearded man with a turban, wearing a black, grey and white layered style dress of Pakistan/Afghanistan, shouting angrily at a white/Western guy.  From his blackened mouth came threats of violence, spewing why he was going to cause trouble.  Nothing the white guy said made any difference to him. 

I understand this dream in a literal context, as I've already posted that the US will see a rash increase of radical Islamic activity in 2014.  What role will the drones play on our own soil?  Only the Lord knows for sure, but as praying Christians we can begin by making this prayer to the Lord:  Father God, let no man on earth or demon below shake my faith in You.  Let me be rooted and grounded in You always, though the foundations quake and windstorm blows; let me know that all is well in You--and that, for all eternity!  Though many bow their knees to gods that are not gods, and believe in false doctrines and rely upon their own strength, I will call upon You always and know that You alone are my salvation.  In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.  


Rev.chelliajayaseelan said…
These words are truly prophetic with rich blessings.

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