2011 Stuck in the Middle with God

Greetings in the Lord!

Wow--I can hardly believe how much time has gone by since I've written last! Happy 2011! We just celebrated the Lunar New Year in South Korea and I finally have a minute to share the words the Lord has been putting on my heart. The brief hiatus was more than eventful for me, I must say, as it included the passing of my mother in December, plus all the usual bustling of the holidays and international travel, then a race to the finish of my teaching contract in January. Whew!

So, in chronological order I'll start with the passing of my mother, which as it turned out, had the gentle and loving hand of God on it from start to finish. In March of 2010 the Lord told me that it was time for my mother to come home to Him, and "to proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed." Well, that's a difficult word to share, so I waited on that one. But around August the Lord again prompted my heart to tell her again and to invite my parents to South Korea for a visit. They came in September and we had a wonderful time!...and yes, a God-arranged moment happened where I could share the word of the Lord with my mom. Who knew how much she needed to hear His words and though she preferred to stay on earth with her family near, she realized the sign of His presence when a dove appeared out of nowhere while we were touring; so she began the painful process of letting go. She will be greatly missed.

Next it was back to South Korea to finish my teaching contract. Earlier in November the Lord had put on my heart to start sending my resume out as it was time to go somewhere else. Well, don't you know it but I began getting offers right and left--some to do coaching again, which I love, so I knew it was time to listen carefully to the Holy Spirit so I would be guided to take His path and not get sidetracked by career ambitions or fleshly decision-making. To make His path clearer for me, the Lord gave me a dream of where I was going and showed me the people that I would be associating with--it turned out to be a university in China! Yipee! That had been one of my favorite places to play basketball.

So, now I am scheduled to leave for Guangzhou on Friday for a semester of teaching. Not sure what all God has in store for that brief stay, but I'm curious to find out. Guangzhou is in the province where capitalism first started in China and now it has a booming economy. It is also full of strife and tension as old world China collides with new global market. Asia in general is ripe with change and fast becoming a center stage for world politics and economic affairs. (I will write more about South Korea in another blog.) It has been long said, too, that China has an End Time role, but don't we all have a role to play? In many ways it seems there are giant cosmic puzzle pieces sliding and rotating into position right before our very eyes....for those who have eyes to see and hears to ear.

So, I pray that in this year of 2011 the Lord would touch our eyes and ears anew to open them for us to see and perceive all that He is doing around us; 2011 will be full, full, full of events---signs!! and wonders!! for us to comprehend and move accordingly. Be not afraid, but cling to the Holy Spirit, buckle your seatbelts and raise your hands to the sky! Whee-e-e! We are going on a rollercoaster ride like you've not seen before and it's important to stay close to Him all year. It's kind of funny, but I hear the song "Stuck in the Middle with You" as a reminder that there may seem like chaos all around us but we are to stay stuck to God right in the middle of it all.

"Well I don’t know why I came here tonight. I’ve got the feeling that something ain’t right.
I’m so scared in case I fall off my chair,and I’m wondering how I’ll get down the stairs.
Clowns to the left of me! Jokers to the right!

Here I am stuck in the middle with You. Yes, I’m stuck in the middle with You,
and I’m wondering what it is I should do.
It’s so hard to keep this smile on my face.
Losing control, yeah, I'm all over the place.

Clowns to the left of me! Jokers to the right!
Here I am stuck in the middle with you."
On a more Scriptural note, the Lord lead me to Proverbs 7, especially verses 1-5:

"My son, keep My words and store up My commands within you. Keep My commands and you will live; guard My teachings as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart. Say to wisdom, "You are my sister," and call understanding your kinsman; they will keep you from the adultress, from the wayward wife with her seductive words."

This passage talks about seductive words and promises of pleasure being used to entice those who lack judgment to go astray, to fall away from the Lord and His good, life-giving ways. While adultery is what is being referred to, we know that spiritual adultery is just as wicked and entices with many of the same smooth and persuasive words. Hold on tight to Jesus! Jokers to our right and clowns to our left abound!

"Do not let your heart turn to her ways or stray into her paths. Many are the victims she has brought down; her slain are a mighty throng." Prov. 7:25-26

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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