That Viper is But a Worm

Greetings in the Lord!

Today at church as we were singing in praise and worship, some people grabbed their "worship" flags and were waving them. As I was watching, another person was waving the South Korean flag and I smiled with affection. Many of you may recall that I've been living in South Korea all year, so I enjoyed seeing it this morning at our service in America.

However, as the S. Korean flag waved to my right, in the spirit I saw the North Korean flag being waved too! It was as if both were celebrating their unity and triumph together. "How strange!" I thought to myself. Then the Holy Spirit said:

"Today, though the enemy has surrounded South Korea and pointed its missiles at them like a snake ready to strike, I say, The viper will not strike! I will crush its head and break its fangs. Instead, you should be celebrating the North's freedom--for it draws near! Yes, there are not two Koreas, but one people, one nation under God."

Then I opened my Bible and turned to a page that surprised me--it was a commentary page. I thought it odd that I would be led to read it, however, the author shared this story and immediately I understood the relevance. Here's the story:

~Faith and Reason met each other one day along the path. Reason, said to Faith, "Oh Faith, let me walk with you." But Faith replied, "Reason, you can never walk with me--you are but a child and only have strength for 2 miles. I am much older and can walk 30 miles easily. But if you must, then come along." So the two set out together. When they came to a deep river, Reason said, "I can never ford this," but Faith waded through it, singing. When they reached a high mountain, Reason despaired. But Faith carried Reason on her back. At the end of their journey it was said of them: "Oh, how dependent upon Faith is Reason!"

North Korea, being a Marxist state is obviously Reason--childlike, weak, and despairing. I can tell you from living in South Korea that they are, and have in abundance, Faith. From a spiritual perspective it is very clear to see just how dependent Reason is on Faith. They are not enemies, but a people currently divided. But as the Proverb goes: "When a wicked leader is deposed, the people rejoice" so it will be on the Korean peninsula.

After I read all of this I got very excited and praised God for His divine intervention. He surely knows the end from the beginning, our Alpha and Omega! So, no matter how desperate the situation looks to be--and it doesn't look good at times to be sure, I know we serve an awesome God who is Sovereign over all the earth. There is no leader or nation that can dictate to the Lord what will happen next...nor outrun their own mortality.

"When a wicked man dies, his hope perishes; all he expected from his power comes to nothing." Proverbs 11:7

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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