Fires at Our Shores

Greetings in the Lord!

Sometimes there are verses in the Word that really make me scratch my head, like this one for example:

"Blows and wounds cleanse away evil, and beatings purge the inmost being." Proverbs 20:30

Now I know there are several good Proverbs that give guidance about raising godly children and even what to do with foolish people, and they both seem to advocate a certain amount of forcefulness, but the above verse is almost alarming! Obviously, it is saying that sometimes it is necessary to use severe punishment to restrain evil or deter wicked behavior. The Lord also lead me to Psalm 106, which is a confession of Israel's long history of rebellion and a prayer for His mercy to save them again. The psalm tells of the Lord using severe judgments to bring about correction for their wicked behavior. Needless to say, I asked the Lord for more information to understand what He was saying now to us in these passages. He gave me this vision:

I saw a map of the United States and all of its eastern, southern, and western borders were on fire. Immediately I had discernment that the "fires" of the Middle East (fires of hatred) had gone beyond Europe (He showed me that vision in 2004) and Asia and have finally reached the shores of America. As I recall the vision of fire spreading from the Middle East to Europe, I discerned it was the same meaning for America: the Lord is allowing fires of hatred to spread here. My feeling is that in addition to more public conflicts in our universities/schools, media, neighborhoods, and workplaces etc. regarding Islam and how that doctrine tries to restrict, challenge, and subvert our right of free speech, public prayer, secular work environment, and many other things yet to know, it seems that America will endure violent attacks as well. I also discern that these fires will have a "civil rights" tone to it and force people into dealing with prejudice again, too, but make no mistake about it, the goal is not equal rights--but rather to restrict the rights and freedoms of Americans.

In Europe, it was the publishing of cartoons of the prophet Mohamed that ignited the people to violence and riot. Yet, it seems that our situation will be much more provoking at first. Yet, after the "fires" have been lit, we will see it brings all forms of hatred to surface and trouble brews more easily after that. For example, right now in Europe there are revivals of hatred happening as well as spiritual revivals, as neo-nazi groups and new communist organizations are gaining momentum causing disturbances all over Europe to fight against Islamofacism and Israel. But these two wrongs (all hate is wrong no matter the reason) don't make a right....

As I reflected more about what those fires on our shores might mean, my vision changed to being in the midst of a raging fire. I could hear nothing but the loud rumblings of the inferno as it consumed everything around me. All I could see was hazy amber and glows of orange in the sky above me as smoke clouded my view from every side. Just as I started to get panicky, I saw Jesus in front of me walking, He was bright white and calmly strolling along. Quickly I followed Him and found that I could breath normally, the heat of the fire went away, and I did not have to struggle to find my way as I held close to His heels and simply followed. I heard screams from the people around me and watched as they ran, stumbled and fell out of view. I discerned that these are the days when all the dry tinder (stubble) will be consumed in the land. What is dry tinder?

"Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evil doer will be stubble, and that day that is coming will set them on fire," says the Lord Almighty. "Not a root or a branch will be left to them. But for you who revere My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall. Then you will trample down the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I do these things," says the Lord Almighty. Malachi 4:1-3

In taking this verse with the above verse we can know that the Lord is allowing our enemies to come to America and spread fires of hatred, and all those who have hate and pride stored up in their hearts will be consumed by this fire. These fires of conflict will chastise, refine, and ultimately humble us and set the stage for an unprecedented spiritual revival, as was done in Russia with the terrible tragedy with 150 school children being bombed in a school by Islamic terrorists. In the aftermath of that incident, thousands of Russians mourned, fasted, and prayed in the Red Square in a silent demonstration of grief--which was completely unheard of in Russia, and since that time there has been spiritual revival breaking out all over Russia! Praise God!

As a side note, recently the Lord has brought to my attention a song by Sinead O'Connor that is prophetic for these days in the United States: "Fire on Babylon." If you've never heard it just check it out at this site and give it a read.

Yes, the Lord speaks through secular voices just as often as He does from the church. In fact, a strong case can be made that He speaks and works through secular people MORE because they are not hung up on religion's "etiquette" and move with fearless determination! By definition, secular mindsets think outside the religious box! lol

Anyway, it is time we wake up to the fact that America will be going through "fires" we have not experienced before, and know that we who follow our God closely through these fires will not be consumed. We will walk through and not even smell like smoke. Guard your heart; follow Jesus and walk in love! Speak the truth and pray for those who persecute you.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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