Day After Day the Seed Grows Unseen

Greetings in the Lord!

It has been quite a while since I last wrote, so I wanted to drop a quick line and share about my summer. It began with trips to LA, Charlotte, and Texas in late spring/early summer. I've received word now that since revival was decreed in LA, healings and deliverances have been on the increase--praise God! I also have a friend in Texas who has been having revival services down there and is amazed by the powerful move of God happening there.

Then there were trips to St. Louis, MO, including Kansas, and Michigan. The stories from friends who have grown so much in their walk with the Lord blew me away! I felt like I was like the apostle Paul, revisiting past places of ministry and seeing the fruit that had come of it. Surely the seed grows while we know it not! The travels continued to Tucson and Phoenix, where once again I was so proud of the maturity of people and ministries in the short three years it had been since I first was sent to those places. God is really moving quickly in the lives of hungry hearts! Even in the places where there was pruning needed, I saw that the Lord had indeed done His work--now let there be more fruit!

This summer also included going to new cities and places such as San Diego and Las Vegas. Yes, it felt ripe for a strong move of God in those places, a shaking of all that can be shaken. While in San Diego, the words centered around the Lord reaching out to the Muslim community there, both to blow the cover on those who plot evil and also to pull them out of the fires of Muslim extremism. It wasn't until after giving those words that I found out that the son of the Hamas leader has recently taken refuge in San Diego because he converted to Christianity and his life was in danger. Surely the Lord will use him mightily to speak truth about Islam to open the eyes of American Christians who are "sleeping in the garden," so to speak. He will also speak truth to those held captive to the doctrine of Islam and show them they can be set free in Jesus.

Lastly, on the trip to Tucson to Phoenix I sat next to a Mexican man on the bus. Right away we began talking and I knew the Spirit was guiding our conversation as I shared with him the words I had received about Mexico in 2006. Once again he confirmed the words had indeed been bearing fruit--even he was surprised by all the growth and return of his people back to Mexico in recent months! Then, I felt the Spirit speaking as I told him about upcoming struggles and violence coming to Mexico as the Lord will begin to deal with corrupton in the government and lawlessness in the streets--an uprooting will begin to take place and fires of judgment to cleanse the land. Those in power who will not clean up their acts will be removed and the Lord will begin to touch the hearts of criminals to bring them back to Himself--and they will bring about positive change in Mexico. Even as I write this there were 100,000 anti-crime protesters marching peacefully in Mexico City demanding that President Calderon address the wave of killings and kidnappings happening all throughout Mexico, usually drug/crime related.

Wow, God is really on the move! Praise Him for His goodness!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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