Hear the Call--Answer It!

Greetings in the Lord!

I wanted to share with you something that occured on Sunday that the Lord is giving more insight into now. On Sunday, two different pastors at different churches made the mention of Billy Graham, both citing in different ways how he was just one man, but had made such a huge impact around the world calling in the lost to Christ. Then when I came home I read a news headline about him on the Internet. On most occasions that would not have phased me, but on that day it jumped out to me as a clear sign, but I didn't have understanding as to what. Today the Lord gives me the discernment that He is getting ready to pass on that great mantle of evangelism to another generation of called evangelists! Praise God!

And that's not all--those evangelists will began to retrace the footsteps of Billy Graham as they usher in revival in areas that Graham first led in breakout mass revivals: namely, Los Angeles and New York. I discern we will see masses coming to meetings, lifting up their hearts to the Lord in repentance and the Lord will shower them with grace and mercy as in the days of Jonah at Nineveh.

Praise God for His goodness!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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