Wake Up People

Greetings in the Lord!

Well, I don't think the Lord has ever had me write about one particular subject for so long! Since January the Lord had given words about the Democratic primary race and after giving each, the words came to pass quickly just as He said. So, naturally I have been curious to see what would end up of Hilary's campaign. While waiting the Lord said this:

"The righteous perish, and no one ponders it in his heart; devout men are taken away, and no one understands the the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace..." Isaiah 57:1-2.

But, continuing on with verses 3 and 4 the Lord also says this:

"But you--come here, you sons of a sorceress, you offspring of adulterers and prostitutes! Whom are you mocking? At whom do you sneer and stick out your tongue? Are you not a brood of rebels, the offspring of liars?" Isaiah 57:3-4.

Yikes! Such strong language required more understanding for me. So the Lord began to bring to my recollection some of the words He has had me give in public during speaking engagements in 2005 and 2006. First, in 2005 I preached on Skanderbeg, the National hero of Albania known as "The Defender of Christianity." He was an Albanian servant of the Ottoman empire around 1100-1200 that would not convert to Islam, so he escaped back to Albania and fought the Ottoman Empire for over 20 years. They finally conceeded defeat and returned home--forgoing their plans of taking over Western Europe. Imagine--Europe could have been all Muslim if not for him!

The Lord said at that time that George W. Bush was America's "Skanderbeg." And just like Skanderbeg, the Lord said a day would come when Americans would complain and withdraw their support of him because they wanted peace and to resume "normal life" again. The Albanians were not so concerned with fighting against the spread of Islam, they rather actually were intrigued by the Ottomans and did not see the dangers in their religious doctrine. So, when Skanderbeg finally passed away, they made a new person king who was eager to compromise with the Ottomans in exchange for "peace" and "prosperity." Needless to say, Albania was quickly taken over by the Ottoman Empire and they became an oppressed nation for the next 600 years! As we used to say as kids, "Slick move, Ex-Lax!"

In 2006 the Lord had me give a talk at a healing service and He gave many strong warnings about the coming days of false prophets who prophesy "peace" and "prosperity" and lead people astray, "to follow gods they nor their fathers ever knew." At the time, honestly, I think all of us were understanding it to mean that false teachers and false prophets would be arising to tell lies, etc. in the church. But now I fully realize that the Lord meant in our nation their would be a time--now--when "false prophets" are the "media/economic analysts" and "political experts" proposing arguments and perpetuating propaganda that are totally not in the Lord's will or plan for His people. Those who say, "Follow him, and he will bring us peace and prosperity and unity with the nations!" Newsflash--it's not gonna happen like that friends. Complete deception. Did you know that Lenin came to power in Russia with German financial supporters? Would not be significant except that they both were at war at the time! Basically Germany bought their way out of war with the intention of taking them over later....history is interesting, huh?

So, we must now press in as the Body of Christ to make our way. Last year several big name prophetic voices wrote words about America being at a dangerous crossroads, spiritually speaking, but I wonder how many Christians even dreamt it was as practical as praying to know who to vote for instead of following their own devices. It is past time to wake up Church!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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