From the North a Voice Calls Out to the West

Greetings in the Lord!

Recently I shared that the Lord has been sending me to various cities around Michigan for prophetic ministry. What a fun and busy time that has been. Even more enjoyable has been the words the Lord has given me to share: words of building, cleansing, launching out in different ministry projects, and the like. Those are always the most fun to give because right now many people in the "north" are being sent out to do the things God has been preparing them to do, and they are very receptive to hearing the wisdom, direction, and encouragement of the Lord.

Having said that, the Lord on Monday during my prayer time gave me the word to go to California to prophesy. This, I discern, will be a "Jonah" trip:
"Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time: "Go to the city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you." Jonah 3:1

I am sending out a request to all the prayer warriors out there to lift me up during the three days I will be prophesying there. "There is going to be a great shaking in California--especially in Hollywood," where I will be sent. As you may recall, last year I was sent to Manila in the Philippines with the same word and spoke with important leaders, both religious and secular, all over the city. In the following months, the Philippines did go through their own shaking and the words of the Lord were fulfilled: "to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant."

Please pray that on this trip I will be received with listening ears and soft hearts, quick to listen and repentant in spirit--that they would begin to pursue the way the Lord had originally intended for them. Pray that all of God's people will be protected and ready to respond to the leadings of the Spirit through this next season. And finally, pray that the Lord would stir up hearts to prayerfully and financially cover me during this trip, and that His hand would guide me and protect me.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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