A Party for Paris In Heaven

Greetings in the Lord!

Today as I was reading through news articles I came across one that was telling about how Paris Hilton "found God" in jail. Oh, the skeptics abound, but do you recall the word and the dream the Lord gave that was shared on this blogsite October 24th, 2006? In that blog, I shared a prophetic dream about telling Paris and her sister about Jesus--and that He would and could redeem them from the sins and debauchery of their youth. I discerned at the time that Paris specifically would be a "modern-day Mary Magdalene," in that the Lord would deliver and redeem her and she would be devoted to Him. Praise God!

As Christians, we are to get into agreement with the saving grace of our Lord and Savior. Begin to pray and praise God that He is touching and redeeming celebrities' lives in Hollywood and other places so that they will be a bold and faithful witness to the world that our Savior lives and redeems the lost! Pray that those saved will begin to pour out their time, talent, and resources for the kingdom of God and that they will bless others as the Lord has blessed them. May His name be glorified forever!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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