Oracle for Bin Laden and His Followers

Greetings in the Lord!

Today's word comes from Jeremiah 49:7-22. Selected verses are below:
V.10) "But I will strip Esau bare; I will uncover his hiding places, so that he cannot conceal himself. His children, relatives and neighbors will perish, and he will be no more. Leave your orphans; I will protect their lives. Your widows too can trust in me."
V.14) I have heard a message from the Lord: An envoy was sent to the nations to say, "Assemble yourselves to attack it! Rise up for battle!"
V.15) "Now I will make you small among the nations, despised among men. The terror you inspire and the pride of your heart have deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rocks, who occupy the heights of the hill. Though you build your nest as high as the eagle's, from there I will bring you down," declares the Lord.
V.19) "Like a lion coming up from Jordan's thickets to a rich pastureland, I will chase Edom from its land in an instant. Who is the chosen one I will appoint for this? Who is like Me and can challenge Me? And what shepherd can stand against Me?"
V. 20) "Therefore, hear what the Lord has planned against Edom, what He has purposed against those who live in Teman: The young of the flock will be dragged away; He will completely destroy their pasture because of them."
V.22) "Look! An eagle will soar and swoop down, spreading its wings over Bozrah. In that day the hearts of Edom's warriors will be like the heart of a woman in labor."

~I discern that the Lord has decreed that He will indeed reveal and bring down Osama Bin Laden and his followers from the places in which they try to hide and cover themselves. Begin to praise the Lord! Also, pray that the Body of Christ will open their arms to receive the "orphans and widows" that are sent to us by the Lord from the houses of Esau to protect them and tell them the Good News and that they would receive a new hope for their futures! Praise God for His everlasting mercy and grace!

~Also, as a follow-up to some of the words given this week, one about the coming outpouring of the Spirit over central lower Michigan that would break the spirit of wantonness and the word to preach and watch the Lord "confirm His word by signs," I now report that there was a huge wind storm to sweep across all of lower central Michigan yesterday. Twice this week the Lord had given me Psalm 83:13,15-16: "Make them like tumbleweed, O my God, like chaff before the pursue them with your tempest and terrify them with your storm. Cover their faces with shame so that men will seek your name, O Lord." Praise God for His power and might! Praise Him for sweeping clean the skies so that His Light will shine down on us! Amen.


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