
Shaken From Their Lofty Places

Greetings in the Lord~ Today during my worship and prayer time with the Lord, I began to have a vision.  I was with Jesus and we were in an arid place, walking down a long, outdoor hallway of a stone structure or building of sorts.  As we got closer to the building, I saw a darkened entrance at the end of the walkway and felt a bit unsure about going inside.  It seemed to me that this was a hostile place full of enemies, and I grabbed Jesus' hand.  As we got inside the darkened corridor He said to me, "Don't worry, they can't see you; but just listen to them."  I nodded my head sheepishly and followed Him closely, hiding myself behind Him as we crept closer to hear. We made our way into a large room that reminded me of a sports press box, as it had two wide viewing areas that looked out high above the surrounding lands; we were in the upper room of a fortress that was carved into a mountainside.  It was obvious that the men in the room felt they were presti...

We Will OverCome in Christ

Greetings in the Lord, On September 3rd, I had a vision of myself praying for President Trump.  We were in the Oval Office and Melania was there to lay hands on him.  It seemed like a normal prayer time but then, all of the sudden, the Holy Spirit began to rise up in me with such power and I felt like I needed to anoint his head with oil.  I didn't think he'd go for it because it might mess up his hair, but to my amazement, he agreed.  Praying very loudly in tongues, I felt the power of the Holy Spirit pass through me to him with a "warrior anointing," he was being commissioned for battle!  With the Lord's guidance and strength, President Trump would be a great general, a true Commander-in-Chief for such a time as this.  Praise God! A day later the Lord began to speak from Micah chapter 6 about how the rebellious in Israel were very corrupt and idolatrous--soon they would face severe difficulties as the Lord would reverse the inherited blessings in the...

True Prophets Rise UP

Greetings in the Lord~ One of the things the Lord has put on my heart to do in the past couple of years is to be more visible online.  Some people would love that, but I myself could take it or leave it.  I've been in the spotlight for almost all of my life for one thing or another, whether competing fiercely against sport rivals or just living in a country where the average height is 5'7" for men.  Even in writing this blog, I've never sought for a large following, though I've been writing on it for 14 years.  Frankly, I knew that my blogs were probably being monitored and censored anyway because I put on here whatever the Holy Spirit says to say, and that's been quite controversial at times.  Like in 2013 when the Holy Spirit said, "2014 was going to be the Year of the Terrorist," and proceeded to give me many prophetic words about the rise of Islamic extremism.  Muslims got all mad and complained to Google...then ISIS hit the scene in 2014!  Jus...

Bitter Grapes Dealt With

Greetings in the Lord~ Recently, I was asked a great question, "What is the purpose of the next 5 months?"  It was asked in light of this person hearing prophetic words from several prophetic speakers that mentioned about a lot of upheaval, violence, food shortage, and the like during the next five months.  At first I wasn't sure what to say but the Lord gave the answer, "Isaiah 5." This chapter begins with an allegory of Israel being like a special vineyard the Lord had planted.  He cleared away all the stones, planted the best vines, and set up a watchtower and press for the wonderfully sweet harvest He was expecting.  However, at the harvest only bitter grapes had been produced--how disappointed He was!  "He expected a crop of justice, but instead He found oppression.  He expected to find righteousness, but instead He heard cries of violence." Isaiah 5:7b. What had made the grapes "bitter"?  Well, in the chapter we find six things....

Strange Fire Dealt With

Greetings in the Lord~ Even though I call this blog "Daily Prophetic Words," I rarely write on a daily basis.  The "daily" is more of a theme or context, in that, I tend to prophesy about daily life, culture, newsmakers, governments and current events--the "people's prophet," I guess.  Also, I simply don't feel I get prophetic words to share corporately every day.  Instead, I prefer to pray about the words I get and allow a period of time for the Holy Spirit to speak more deeply about what He is telling me, since the prophetic words are for "the heralds to run with it" and will make news headlines after a period of time (not usually within days, but months or years typically). Anyway, all week the Lord has been speaking to me from the book of Numbers, chapters 3 and 17 mostly, and also from John 6 and Psalm 44.  In a nutshell, it's talking about rebellious people wanting to 1) take (spiritual) matters into their own hands instead...

Healing Rain Put Out the Fire

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Nehemiah 3 and it talks about all of the people who happily, eagerly, and with much zealousness joined with the people of Jerusalem to rebuild the city's walls--amen!  This is a now word, it is happening!, in the United States, the UK, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, and elsewhere!  Not only did a clarion call go out to Christian ministries around the world to pray for the U.S. elections in November and for the safety of its borders, but God has stirred up the hearts of Christians all over the world to see the broken walls of their own countries and to prayerfully rebuild them.  Praise God!  It is awesome to see and know so many Christians who are discerning the urgency of this hour, for this was no beautification project--Nehemiah called a national emergency.  City walls in those days were absolutely essential as protection from invading armies; to have weak or broken down walls was inviting trouble!  An...

Assemble Prayer Groups and Man the Walls!

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word covers a couple of week's worth of Scriptures and daily words from the Lord that seem to keep building from the words given in June--namely, about the nature and scope of the "storm" that is coming to the U.S.  If you read my last post, I gave the words of the Holy Spirit in which He talked about a "great offense" coming that was so unforgivable that it would cause His people to rise up. Well, I have much more to add today.  First, it comes from Isaiah 28 and Ezekiel 34, two passages that God denounces the bad leadership of the northern kingdom of Israel and the bad leadership of the exiles in Assyria.  In both cases, the selfish and arrogant leadership are not taking care of the people, but rather leading them astray with false doctrine, dismissing the needs of the poor and weak, and using resources to better only themselves.  I even discern that it goes far darker than that. To better understand the trajectory of ...

Brace Yourself, Big Storm Ahead

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, more trouble is on the horizon, it seems, so brace yourself (and I was hoping that when He gave His promise to settle things down, it would be like soon, you know).  Anyway, today in prayer the Lord led me to read Psalm 93 and gave another word of assurance about Him moving powerfully in our presence to help with all the protests/anarchists.  Interestingly, with a little research I noticed that I had written about this very same subject back on June 20th, 2015 (a spirit of anarchy stoking fires of hatred in people but using "social justice" as a guise).  Anyway, let's look at Psalm 93: The Lord is King!  He is robed in majesty.  Indeed, the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength.  The world stands firm and cannot be shaken. Your throne, O Lord, has stood from time immemorial.  You yourself are from the everlasting past.   The floods have risen up, O Lord. The floods have roared like thunder; the ...

CHAZ Swept Away

Greetings in the Lord~ This past year the Lord has led me to read from the book of Amos so often that it sometimes makes me think that maybe I'm missing something.  But really, it's just because we have moved into a time period of the "plumb line."  That is a time when God says 'enough is enough,' and His presence is a lot more evident as He is measuring and taking note of and "searching people's hearts" to give people what they deserve.   It is a time of action, when the strong hand of the Lord moves mightily around us, when our inner heart desires and ambitions are laid out for all to see and God metes out His decree of judgment for those who have rejected Him and His ways.  Needless to say, it is a quite volatile time, when the sifting of God's people based on their beliefs, politics, heart conditions and way of life will cause strife and much dissension in society.  This contention goes all the way back to Cain and Abel--where the offerin...

Where the Spirit of the Lord Is, There is Freedom

Greetings in the Lord, Today's word comes from 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 and it talks about the new covenant that is found in Christ Jesus.  Paul the apostle tells us that even though God's Law, that was the foundation of the old covenant, was glorious, what we have in Christ is greater, it is more glorious.  He makes the distinction between the former letter of the Law and the surpassing Spirit of God that renews and opens hearts and minds so that they are no longer veiled from discerning the Spirit of God and following His will, so that, "whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.  Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17 So, in essence, he is talking about how a belief in Christ leads to spiritual renewal and understanding and therein lies true freedom.  That's pretty big stuff in light of the protests that are going on, where people are expressing all sorts of angst about the various...

Prophets of Peace and the Pandemic

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Amos 4 and is quite interesting in light of our recovering pandemic situation.  It is a chapter in which Amos begins by calling the people "fat cows" because they are so pampered and are not reflective about any of the hardships they have been through.  They just call to their spouses to "bring me more" food and drink and whatever else while they lie around and think of resuming business as usual.  They do not realize that their hardships: plagues and sickness, drought and rain-less days on the land, blight and mildew on the crops, war and attacks by enemies---were calls from God to repentance.  They simply wanted to petition God in their usual, superficial religious and self-serving ways and poof! It all be back to "normal."  Kinda sounds like the time we're in now! "I struck your farms and vineyards with blight and mildew.  Locusts devoured all your fig and olive trees.  But still you would...

Fertile Soil Produces Amazing Harvest

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Mark 4, especially verses 21-25: Then Jesus asked them, "Would anyone light a lamp and then put it under a basket or under a bed?  Of course not!  A lamp is placed on a stand, where the light will shine.  For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light.  Anyone with ears to hear should listen. Then he added, "Pay close attention to what you hear.  The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given--and you will receive even more.  To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given.  But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them."   Since January, I have received several words about this pandemic time period we are in and interestingly, much of it had to do with the Lord uprooting and exposing corruption and spiritual realignment, in genera...

Jeroboam Hangs in the Balance

Greetings in the Lord~ You know how sometimes, when we have one disaster come along and we think it is the biggest problem that we've ever had to deal with, but later on something else comes up that makes that earlier "disaster" pale by comparison?  Yeah, we all can relate to that.  Well, at the moment, some pretty big situations are hanging in a balance and decisions have to be made, albeit, behind closed doors, far from view (and input) of the common person.  Yes, certain national leaders are milling over a potential scenario--would a "kinder, gentler North Korea" be in our best interest?  A prettier face giving up more control and access and giving less headaches?  Would it be enough to change the narrative of a stupid mistake made in a lab?  Will others play along for the sake of harmony--political, economic and otherwise?    I'm the type of person that really enjoys competition, whether a board game, cards, sports, you name it.  A go...

Babylon Falling!

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, it is now past Easter and true to God's word, we are seeing people creep out--or come running out--of their safe dwellings to join the world in all its splendor again...even if our governors still haven't given the go-ahead yet! ha  Anyway, very soon indeed it will be back to business and hopefully we all will have grown and healed in our spirits from our time with the Lord during the isolation.  And too, may we spend some time celebrating the lives of those we've lost during the viral outbreak and give honor to all those on the front line, in whatever capacity they served their nation.  They made sure that we had the health services and daily food and shelter everyone needed to get through this natural disaster, and for the caring and responsive leadership that helped to guide, inform, and provide for us during this hard time as well.  And most of all, I thank God for His wisdom, grace and mercy and restorative power that will astound ...

Rivers of Healing and Revival are Begining to Flow

Greetings in the Lord, Recently, I posted a word about us "turning a corner" in this virus pandemic, and yes, it is true, even though we look to see evidence of it beginning in the papers and may not find much positive in our neck of the woods just yet.  But we are looking with natural eyes and interpreting things with modern convention and understanding, and even through the lens of flawed theology.  Even now, their are many pastors saying that this pandemic is not a judgment from God; rather, that it is just a natural disaster.  I wonder though, what would a judgment from God look like to them if not the whole world shutting down and having to stay at home for weeks on end doesn't impress them enough.  Well, truth be told, there does come a time when God's patience runs out and He pulls back His grace to allow nature to take its course.  We read of many such examples in the Bible of war, famine and plague being the events used to return Israel's hearts bac...

Turned a Corner--Salvation Comes

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, finally some good news. Yesterday and today the Lord gave several passages that tell of His promises of restoration!  Praise God!  We will now be seeing Him move powerfully until Easter, as the Lord is moving on our behalves, judging this virus and corruption in the spirit realm and touching many lives in their recovery process.  So what does that mean?  Can we leave our houses and resume normal business?!   Not quite yet; as anyone knows who has ever had surgery, or an injury, or major sickness to overcome, sometimes the recovery process can be daunting in and by itself, and often we get impatient when the trajectory changes in our favor, and when we start to get our strength and appetite back and the pain begins to go away.  We get excited and want to move about like before.  But Easter is our green light, per the word of the Lord.  And we must understand that "turning a corner" doesn't mean less cases of th...