
Showing posts from September, 2022

Master of Intrigue, Slippery Infiltration

  Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Daniel 11.  It is one that talks about events that many believe have already taken place - those wars and conflicts centering around the Seleucids of Syria and Ptolemies of Egypt.  These perspective mini-kingdoms arose after the premature death of Alexander the Great, whereby his conquered lands were divided four ways and given to his generals.  Seleucus acquired Syria while Ptolemy got Egypt.  And naturally, as both grew in strength and importance above the other two kingdoms, they looked to square off against each other, seeking to dominate each other as they had so effectively learned under Alexander.   So on one hand, this chapter is a prophetic history lesson for Daniel.  However, midway to the end of the chapter a most vile character, classically named the Antichrist, begins to emerge on the scene and becomes the center of attention through the rest of the book of Daniel.  Historically sp...