
Showing posts from February, 2022


Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Isaiah 2:5-22 and Exodus 11.  Both of these scripture references are about serious judgments being carried out against those whose rebellion towards God has reached its limits with the Lord -- so disaster is not just decreed, but carried out.  The Almighty has allowed their extreme arrogance, greed, idolatry and sorcery to go on for so long so it would fill the cup of judgment against them -- then His wrath gets poured out. I recall getting Isaiah chapters 2-3 just before Katrina hit New Orleans and the southern coast of the U.S.  Actually, I had received a prophetic word that a great disaster was going to hit the U.S. a few months prior to that as well, but this passage explained why that area of the U.S. was hit -- areas seeped in witchcraft are always prime for disaster.  However, this time I received a dream to help me discern who exactly this word is for, but I'll get to that in a moment. In addition to extreme arro...

Irresponsible Tyrants, Who Disregard God's Law

Greetings in the Lord~ A few days ago I got the urge to read Psalm 69 and that got my attention.  Psalm 69 is a psalm of a person urgently crying out to God, desperate to get His attention and seeking relief from overwhelming foes and a terribly unjust situation.  As I read it, I discerned it was about what was going on in Canada, and after some research, found out that the leader of the trucker convoy had been arrested the night before.  I prayed that psalm on her behalf, and for anyone else who had been unduly arrested in the fascist crackdown on their freedom and right to protest.  It's sickening and hard to watch, but I also know that by the Lord having me read and pray psalm 69 on their behalves, He means business.  For that psalm petitions the Lord for some serious reprisals to come to the wicked who are unjustly persecuting the righteous.   The psalmist asks the Lord to bring desolation to their homes, and to make their wealth and luxury become a tra...