Babylon Falling!

Greetings in the Lord~

Well, it is now past Easter and true to God's word, we are seeing people creep out--or come running out--of their safe dwellings to join the world in all its splendor again...even if our governors still haven't given the go-ahead yet! ha  Anyway, very soon indeed it will be back to business and hopefully we all will have grown and healed in our spirits from our time with the Lord during the isolation.  And too, may we spend some time celebrating the lives of those we've lost during the viral outbreak and give honor to all those on the front line, in whatever capacity they served their nation.  They made sure that we had the health services and daily food and shelter everyone needed to get through this natural disaster, and for the caring and responsive leadership that helped to guide, inform, and provide for us during this hard time as well.  And most of all, I thank God for His wisdom, grace and mercy and restorative power that will astound us in the days to come.

Now, having said all that, today's word is a bit of return to sober reality, in that, as much as all storms blow over and the sun comes out again, it is only a matter of time before dark clouds will re-gather once more.  I was reminded of that last week when I tuned in for the President's daily briefing about the pandemic.  While I was expecting to hear some good news about how people have been really stepping up to help out and things have been making progress, I instead witnessed the toxic antagonism of the journalists in the room towards the Administration and their efforts.  It was so disgusting and annoying and arrogant and vile to see and hear those hard-hearted idjits.  Even after a pandemic plague, they still exhibited no respect, appreciation or integrity in conducting their jobs; definitely a new low point.

It was a sudden reminder of the depth of wickedness some people have descended to because they have allowed pride and hate to rule their hearts.  It certainly is a reflection of the growing spiritual divide that is occurring in the world today: light versus darkness.  And before you think that I am making a partisan distinction, I'm not, for anyone who drinks the toxic waters of hate, constant criticism, slander, pride, and the like, will become dark and bitter in their hearts and eventually fall victim to their own negativity.  Just like Proverbs 30:17 says: "The eye that mocks a father, that scorns an aged mother, will be pecked out by the ravens of the valley, will be eaten by the vultures."  That leads us also to Matthew 6:22: "Your eye is like a lamp that provides light to your body.  When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. But when your eye is unhealthy, your whole body is filled with darkness. And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is!"  

A lot of people do not understand this spiritual truth, but the commentary of the Life Application Bible explains it simply: "Spiritual vision is our capacity to see clearly what God wants us to do and to see the world from His point of view.  But this spiritual insight can be easily clouded. Self-serving desires, interests, and goals block that vision. Serving God is the best way to restore it. A "healthy" eye is one that is fixed on God" (p.1551).  

Interestingly, that bit about having a "healthy eye" is sandwiched between two passages that warn about loving money and worldliness, so in essence, it is saying that people who love money and the things of the world will have a hard time, if even have the capacity to, having clear spiritual vision.  They simply cannot see things from God's point of view.  The worldly system that they love and see things from God calls "Babylon" to me, and many are its adherents.  Quite often, the Lord refers to the US as Babylon because so many people have embraced this idolatrous type of thinking here, even though they claim to believe in God.  Yet, in practice they worship anything other than God, even their own thinking and desires.
Today's word comes from Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 50 and talks about this "Babylon" falling, or rather, being attacked by invaders from the north.  Traditionally, these invaders were identified as armies from Media-Persia and their alliances.  Jeremiah 50 says that God allows this disastrous attack to happen because Babylon has persecuted "Israel" and taken her captive, and because of their wanton idolatry.  Meanwhile, the Israelites living in Babylon were instructed to flee from there before the attack happened and to not live as they live.  They were to be separate from them and not take part in their sins.  Therefore, we can know from today's word that we will be entering a time when structures and prominent influencers of this "Babylon" system will be both crumbling and taken down by the strong hand of God.  Expect to see some surprising things, like more unveiling and uprooting of "Deep state" activities and instigators, including those in the media industry that hide or propagate their schemes; a jarring and reordering of economic and banking alliances and processes; and, although there may be other names on the ballot, that our next election cycle will basically be a literal uncontested win for Donald Trump.  And not just a win, mind you, but vindication for all of the wickedness that has been directed at him will be returned to the senders--they will be covered in disgrace and slink away; all their evil desires will come to nothing.  It goes back to the "falling victim to your own negativity" thing mentioned earlier.  

Lastly, in the midst of all this, the Lord will stir His people to "come out of Babylon."  Expect to see surprising "conversions, heart transformations, and enlightened changes" coming from people that had once been in full support of Babylon systems and industries, even in the worship of false gods/demons.  They will be surprised at how in one day their hearts will be touched by God, and they will be broken for their past attitudes and behaviors and begin to see things from a godly point of view, even desiring to live for Him.  As they once spoke loudly and proudly for the devil and worked for evil, they will become strong and faithful believers in Christ and be ones to dismantle powerfully all of the works of the enemy in their industry in a bold way.  Praise God for this!

So, as always, pray with me that the Lord's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Amen 

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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