
Showing posts from October, 2019

Live By Truth, Come Into His Presence

Greetings in the Lord! Well, there are a couple of updates that I'm going to share today, as well as today's word from John 2.  First the updates; recently, I attended a conference in Washington DC about the rising threat and need for policy on "Deep Fakes," i.e., fake videos that are being made to mislead people into believing lies about and from political figures and legitimate decision-makers.  At least that was what the synopsis of the conference said in their publicity materials.  As it turned out, protecting truth was not the main focus or top priority of many of the esteemed panelists, which included lead engineers from Facebook, DARPA and universities, and prominent lawyers from within academia.  No, as one lawyer so eloquently put it, "Truth is less of an issue than the winning narrative that results from the deep fake."  Amazing, huh?  And I'm not sure whether it was the 'polite company' we were in or the overbearing liberal bias of t...

Data-based Technology as a Weapon

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Luke 13, which happens to contain several different spiritual lesson points and examples.  Overall, it is a word to the Israelites to not be complacent or prideful or self-righteous about their place in the kingdom of God--lest they deceive themselves, "for many will try to enter and not be able to."  Yikes!  I don't know about you, but that statement always makes me nervous!  Then, Jesus goes on to make His point--you have to produce fruit in keeping with your repentance.   Jesus is saying that many of them held onto a false security--that they believed they were "good enough" as is.  They trusted in their own opinion of their spiritual works or righteous behavior, even looking down on others they felt were sinners or daring to persecute those who were indeed called by God to speak His words to them.  "But unless you repent, you too will all perish!" Jesus goes on to give several parables to ill...

No Longer a Tweet, But a Trumpet Blast

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Joshua 3 and 8; they are chapters talking about the start and early success of Israel as they enter the Promised Land.  Undeniably, it was a directive to go on the offensive and take the land.  That is the same directive and season we have entered into now.  We are to go on the offensive and take down the giants in the land--the light is green, go! The Lord told Joshua to follow His lead, as they had never gone that way before.  The Lord told Joshua to not be fearful or discouraged or distracted, but to resolutely determine to carry out the Lord's directives as He gave them, i.e. to follow the strategies that He gave, no matter how illogical they seemed to our limited logic and reasoning.  The Lord of Heaven's armies was going to do supernaturally what needed to be done, and Israel was to carry out the things in the natural what they were called to do.  In other words, God would do the heavy lifting!  ...

Burrowers Removed and Tunnels Destroyed

Greetings in the Lord~ For the past two months, I've been working on various household chores as it seemed the right time to do those things.  One of those un-glamorous chores was to get rid of the tunneling vermin in my lawns.  That has actually turned into quite a fun hobby, I might add.  There is a strategy to it, you know, and that strategy changes with the different types of vermin you are dealing with.  So, first you have to identify what you are dealing with by surveying the tracks, mounds, or lawn/vegetation damage that the hidden underground animals are making. There are different types of mounds and tracks that are made by different species, so this too, has to be carefully assessed. Then, after you've determined what species you are dealing with, you have to consider their food source: is it the root systems of plants and vegetation, or is it insects and worms?  That, too, tells you what you are dealing with and shapes your removal strategy. ...