Worldly Lot, Our Lesson Too

Greetings in the Lord~

Today's word comes primarily from Genesis 13.  It's the story of Abram and Lot going their separate ways, a separation that happens on many levels, I'm afraid.  In the natural, it was an obvious solution as both had many flocks and herds and the land could not support them together.  Even their herdsmen were fighting about the situation.  But the problem was way more than a simple case of too many animals; rather, it was the circumstance the Lord was going to use to reveal the real issues at hand.  You see, Abram was Lot's uncle and also a righteous man, faithful in God's eyes, so he was a wonderful familial role model and excellent spiritual mentor as well.  However, Lot only benefited on the surface of things, prospering because he was under Abram's guidance and authority, for Lot did not embrace Abram's deep devotion to the Lord and drifted away spiritually as he departed from Abram's presence.  Lesson number one: material wealth is not a good indicator of right standing or deep roots in God!  Both men were prosperous, but only one man was truly faithful and blessed. 

Abram offered Lot the first choice of where to move to on the land and Lot chose the most fertile region, the plains of Sodom and Gomorrah, even though their wicked ways were well known. He based his choice on greed, as surely he would prosper greatly and easily on fertile, level lands.  Potential spiritual corruption did not factor in for him at all, even though it is an obvious danger for those who love the Lord.  His carnal, selfish choice was the first indicator that his spiritual life was built on shifting sands instead of solid rock.  He desired convenience and ease, maybe even the "safety" and nouveau of living in a thriving, cosmopolitan city of that time versus the more humble yet prosperous life Abram would have in the more rocky uplands.  But as soon as Lot leaves, the Lord promises to give Abram ALL of the land, as far as the eye could see, and many descendants too numerous to count as well.  That was an amazing blessing for remaining faithful to the Lord instead of trying to prosper according to the world's ways!

Lot, though he imagined success on the plains, did not fair so well.  As he drifted further from God, his troubles increased more and more.  His thinking, his ways, his (lack of) spiritual modeling for his children all simulated the values of the corrupt world he surrounded himself with till ultimately he was taken captive once, and after being rescued from that, he narrowly escaped his city before it was completely destroyed; then, his wife dissolved into a pillar of salt and he got drunk and had sex with one of his daughters.  To cap it all off, the incestuous baby became the nation of Moab, which was a continual enemy of Israel and thorn in their side for thousands of years. Talk about making a mistake!  So, it was clear in the end what the Lord knew in the beginning--Lot desired the world more than God and would sell out if given the chance.  He would exchange true blessings for material wealth and ease because he did not want to be diligent or faithful in his walk with God.  He was greedy and lazy.   

Therefore, in the big scheme of things, the initial separation was vital -- Lot did not have his heart set on God and was prospering under the guise of being blessed when in reality the blessing was from Abram. Such is the time we are living in!  Many who grew up in the Church have prospered under the blessings of their forefathers or other godly people in their lives, but at some point have decided to pursue worldly advancements instead of God.  However, their exchange is being met with trial after trial both in the natural and spiritual because of their preference for worldly pursuits.  Their lives have become pockmarked with divorce, illness, job loss, deep-seated bias and hatred, and many other forms of ungodly behavior -- all as a result of their decision.  But interestingly, Psalm 76:10 sheds some light on how God uses this/our obstinate behavior: 

"Human defiance only enhances Your glory, for You use it as a weapon," (NLT) and,
"Surely Your wrath against mankind brings You praise, and the survivors of Your wrath are restrained." (NIV)  [Psalm 76:10 from NLT and NIV translations].    

 Interesting, huh?  Both translations talk about God using 'human defiance' as an opportunity for God to exhibit His power and Sovereignty in the form of wrath, but also so that rebellion can be dealt with justly and to provide an opportunity for the repentant to return to God.  We see that clearly in the life of Lot and complete destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.  God's wrath has a perfect purpose and can accomplish what would not be possible if He did not exercise wrath at the right time, in just the right way.  Many would go on in error thinking they were blessed, or that God did not exist, or whatever other lie people believe when they really want to live according to their own way instead of according to the Word of God.  

It's interesting too, that recently God has been giving a lot of words about holding a plumb line in Hollywood and Silicon Valley.  Surely, after the "inspection," there will come a time for wrath as well, as many people in these industries have no fear of God and live as they see fit, no matter who they oppress or whatever godless scheme they conjure up, they are becoming a rule unto themselves.  How arrogant and foolish!  But as Scripture says, their defiance will become a weapon against themselves and provide an opportunity for others to repent and return to godly values.  Amazing!

So to God we give all the glory and honor and praise and declare: Let Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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