After the Sifting, Pure Faith Remains
Greetings in the Lord! One month ago, on October 25th, a 150-year old Baptist cathedral in Wakefield, Massachusetts burnt to the ground from a lightening strike. It had been an honored centerpiece for the city both for historical and religious reasons, even still being used daily to provide for worship, schooling, and daycare. Needless to say, for many people in this community, the cathedral felt like a member of their family and they were devastated by the tragedy. However, in the midst of their sadness a miracle emerged--a large painting of Jesus was recovered unscathed by the fire! Since very little else remained from the church building, the miracle painting made national headlines and was a reminder that Jesus Christ is more than a building, but our true Savior who lives. After I saw the amazing incident, it reminded me of the fiery ordeal of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as told in Daniel chapter 3. In that story, the three Jewish exiles would not bow...