
Showing posts from October, 2018

Repentance Brings an End to the Locust Plague

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word comes from Joel chapter 2.  I really like the imagery of that small prophetic book of the Bible, and I like that it is and was spiritually symbolic in nature, in that, the locust plague never took place in the natural, as far as historians know.  But what was really interesting was the special understanding of that book that the Lord gave me back in 2007, showing how He was going to allow this spiritual locust plague to come upon the United States for her rampant idolatry--namely, in the proliferation of witchcraft through the Harry Potter series and other witchcraft entertainment.  Yep, you read correctly; in the summer of 2007 the Lord had me fast for 40 days leading up to the debut of the seventh book of the Potter series, which I discern, was a tipping point and altogether different book in the series that paved the way for spiritual locusts to descend upon the United States and bring ruin, sickness, oppression, and every other cu...

Midterm Joy

Greetings in the Lord! Watching American politics these days is anything but peaceful.  The constant criticism, strife, and treachery is enough to exhaust even the most apathetic of observers.  And for most of us, we are not used to this kind of politics in the United States, for it has been a long time since we've had this kind of division and raucousness from Washington DC...but it is in our history, though I'll not go into that today.  Instead, today's word comes from 2 Samuel 16, a chapter that tells of a similar time in Israel. The reign of King David was hallmarked by his love and devotion to the Lord, and of his enemies' constant betrayal, criticism, and treachery towards him.  And this doesn't even include his enemies outside of Israel!  In this particular chapter, King David was fleeing the throne because of the uprising of Absalom, his son, who was trying to depose/kill him.  Talk about betrayal!  (King David was not relinquishing the thr...