
Showing posts from July, 2013

Ears to Hear, and Hearts to Learn

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word is from John 6.  It is an interesting chapter as it highlights two famous miracles of Jesus: the feeding of the five thousand, and Him walking on the Sea of Galilee to his disciples in a boat.  However, and more sobering, is the last half of the chapter that has Jesus teaching about Himself as the bread of Life...and the resulting departure of many of his unbelieving "believers."  Jesus starts off by giving the reason for their departure before they even get to the question: "I tell you the truth, you are looking for me, not because you saw the miraculous signs but because you ate the loaves and had your fill" (verse 26).  Their following of Jesus was not a faith issue, but of simple human logic: 'nice guy, wise words, good food--follow him!'   Obviously, they had missed the boat completely.  The crux of the issue was, and is still, about having eternal life with Jesus, o...

Those Aren't Surfing Waters

Greetings in the Lord! Today I was reading an article from the Christian Century that quoted estimates of some 300,000 Christians that left Syria since March 2011 due to the conflict there.  And while some of those Christians say the "revolution" is a conspiracy for the Free Syrian Army to try and establish radical Islam, there are others who see the conflict in opposite views, and still more who are neutral and reminisce about the freedoms they had under an Alawite regime.  Even with their differing opinions, all agree about this: Syria is no longer a safe place for Christians to live. As I read the rest of the article, I was reminded about what I had published in my own book ( Fire of the Orange Ball , 2009) about the coming trials of the Syrian Christians.  In the fall of 2003, while I was living in Aleppo, the Lord put it on my heart to attend a Catholic Mass in the prominent church downtown.  This is an excerpt from ...

Crocodile Sent Back to the River

Greetings in the Lord! Well, after 2 years of living and working in Saudi Arabia, there is a natural adjustment period to returning to live in the United States.  Probably the biggest change is the amount of freedom available to a person on a daily basis, especially for a female.  "Duh," you say, "everyone knows how restrictive life is there."  OK, granted, but what I'm learning from the Holy Spirit are the spiritual causes that perpetuate such an oppressive environment, namely, the wicked religious spirits of hypocrisy and self-righteousness.  Yes, there is hypocrisy everywhere and always too, people who think they are more righteous than others.  But in the Middle East and especially in Saudi Arabia, there is a demonic principality of hypocrisy and self-righteousness that dominates the culture there.  Because these principalities are so strong and have actually woven their demonic lies into their governing laws, the environme...

Dancing in the Streets

Greetings in the Lord! Summer travel season is in full swing!  I recently returned from a trip to Detroit, Michigan.  It is my birthplace, but as circumstances would dictate, I never really spent much time there.  So being reunited with my family on this visit, it was fun to explore their old stomping grounds and see and learn about the rich history that was, and is, and will shine again, in Detroit City.  In fact, that is the word of the Lord! There were a few times throughout the weekend that I discerned the Lord saying that He was going to use music once again to reach the hearts of the people--pure and joyful songs to encourage and cross cultural and racial boundaries.  The Lord is in the business of uniting all people together.  As I toured the Motown Museum, it was clear that God had raised up those popular singers of yesteryear, many of who were just young adults living in the area, to sing to the wo...