
Showing posts from May, 2011

Salute the Casket and Do Not Weep

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word comes from Ezekiel 24. There are 2 stories written about in that chapter, first the word to all of Judah and Israel about their lewdness (idolatry and corrupt living)--the Lord had been trying to show them the error of their ways so that they would repent and be made clean but they would have none of it. No matter the hardship the Lord allowed against them, nothing would change their hearts to live according to His words. Therefore the Lord was going to bring His wrath upon them and take away the "delight of their eyes": the temple. "Now your impurity is lewdness. Because I tried to cleanse you but you would not be cleansed from your impurity, you will not be clean again until My wrath against you has subsided." Ezekiel 24:13. The second part of chapter 24 is a story about Ezekiel being told that the Lord was going to allow his wife to die and that he was not to grieve over her publicly . Instead, he was to weep privately ther...

No Roadkill Please

Greetings in the Lord! As I was praying today and pondering in my heart some recent happenings, or non-happenings as it were, the Lord said " Judges 3 ." So I got out my Bible and began to read: These are the nations the Lord left to test all those Israelites who had not experienced any of the wars in Canaan (He did this only to teach warfare to the descendants of the Israelites who had not had previous battle experience): the five rulers of the Philistines, all the Canaanites, the Sidonians , and the Hivites living in the Lebanon mountains...They were left to test the Israelites to see whether they would obey the Lord's commands, which He had given their forefathers through Moses. Hmm ...OK, so these Israelites were not familiar with war, or for us nowadays, it is just like Christians not knowing about spiritual warfare, the need for true repentance, or still having to learn about spiritual discernment and wisdom. We need circumstances and experiences for us to...

Good Morning Teacher!

Greetings in the Lord! Every now and then the Lord will give me a word while I am praying that I want to share verbatim, just as He spoke it to me. So, today I will share a word He gave yesterday: May 14t h , 2011 "It's not too late for America! The hearts of her people are softening. There is a budding generation of kids that know My name and are passionate about doing My will. Clashes in the school place are/will be divinely inspired as an overwhelming wave of love and truth will sweep through. Expect a cleansing in the public schools of America. Teachers teaching lies are being uprooted, pruned off, and/or healed--returning to Christ and teaching and walking in His mandates. Let all the people say, "Amen!" and "Hallelujah!" Prayerful tears of intercession have filled My cups of mercy and I AM pouring them out over the American schools! Rise up My people! Rise up and take your stand on the wall! Rebuild the breaches, replace the doors, and post faithful...

Learning to Walk Again

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word comes from 2 Chronicles 32:24-33:25. The passage talks about the reigns of King Hezekiah in his later years; his son Manasseh , who reigned after him, and then his grandson, King Amon , who reigned briefly after Manasseh . While there are many elements to consider in each of the reigns, today I feel led to look at the act of repentance done by both Hezekiah and Manasseh for their pride against God, and the lack of repentance by the grandson, Amon . We can see a simplified cause and effect of God restoring both Hezekiah and Manasseh in their kingship for their humility, while Amon "increased his guilt"and reigned only two short years before being assassinated by his own officials. But as I was pondering over the significance of their repentance's it dawned on me: Hezekiah was going to die and pleaded with God for more time, so God extended his life by 15 years. Well, Manasseh was 12 years old when he took the throne. If Hezekia...

Plea Like Abraham

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word comes from Genesis 18, a story about Abraham being visited by the Lord and 2 angels. Of course, they came to Abraham looking like 3 men, but Abraham discerned and recognized them right away as the divine and rushed about to wait on them hand and foot. It's hard to imagine that scenario most likely, but suffice to say that it does happen and we are encouraged in the New Testament to extend hospitality to all because we may not know when we are entertaining angels. Anyway, after Abraham had fed and refreshed his visitors the Lord told Abraham that he and Sarah would be having a baby in a year. Now that's a very shocking announcement given their advanced age and Sarah couldn't help but to laugh in disbelief...and is called out by God. Is anything too hard for God? After eating, the men get up to leave and Abraham walked with them to see them on their way. It was then that the Lord shared with Abraham His intention of destroying Sodom and...

Rider of the White Horse

Greetings in the Lord! Wow--the news just doesn't stop, does it? Well, that was the prophetic word for this year. I took a few minutes to re-read some of the recent words the Lord had me publish as well and saw just how often He talked about the raising up of Babylon to carry out His purposes around the world; to uproot leaders and execute judgement against the wicked. Make no mistake about it, God is on the move these days in a powerful way. In March I had a vision of the Lord riding off on a white horse--and He was in hot pursuit to carry out His business. Look out nations! More things are on the horizon! On that note I want to share with you the passage the Lord is leading me to read today from Daniel 11. This chapter talks about the kings of the "South" and of the "North" fighting against each other until the coming of the 'anointed one' or as most Bible scholars understand, the coming of the a ntichrist figure. "He will be succeeded by a cont...