The Odyssey

Greetings in the Lord!

It's been funny to me how the Lord has been talking about the United States and of her educational/political/linguistic heritage descending from the ancient Greeks. While many of my studies over the years had included these (I was a politics major with science, math & education classes), I had never really thought about how much of our culture had been impacted by Greek mathematicians, doctors and philosophers.

Imagine too, how surprised I was when the Lord started to teach me about some of the demonic strongholds in our nation as having their roots in Greek mythology and paganism. Weird stuff. Actually, when I realized that the apostle Paul had evangelized in much the same environment, I got a better understanding of what the Lord was talking about.

So, when the Holy Spirit quickened my spirit with this prophetic word, I was able to understand where He was coming from and appreciated its relevance all the more. He said this,

"Just as Odysseus was trapped for a time at the sorceress Calypso's house, but continued on his way when he came to his senses and wanted to return to his wife, so this is a season when many men will break free from immoral relationships to return to their original calling from the Lord."

I had to read a bit about that Greek story because I am not familiar with Greek mythology. But in my study, I found out that Calypso was a sea nymph (thus the "nymph" stronghold the Lord taught me about earlier this summer) who had intoxicated Odysseus' men with her beauty and sexual indulgences and then changed them to pigs because of their wantonness. To free his men of her curse, Odysseus refused her deceptive advances and offered himself as her husband if she would change them back and free them; she obliged, as the story goes. But after living with her for a year, Odysseus wants to do the right thing and continue on his journey back to his waiting wife. Likewise, I discerned that there have been many a man in our culture to fall into the trap of a "nymph," a woman who keeps him from his calling and faithfulness as a man of integrity by seducing him to partake of an immoral relationship, whether that be worldly or spiritually speaking. How many men will leave convenient and fruitless relationships to pursue a new relationship with the Lord? In fact, how many men during these economic shakings will return to church now that the other love of their life--their jobs--have been taken away for a time? The prophetic word of the Lord is that many will come back during this time of grace and deliverance being poured out on them. Praise God!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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