
Showing posts from September, 2007

From the North a Voice Calls Out to the West

Greetings in the Lord! Recently I shared that the Lord has been sending me to various cities around Michigan for prophetic ministry. What a fun and busy time that has been. Even more enjoyable has been the words the Lord has given me to share: words of building, cleansing, launching out in different ministry projects, and the like. Those are always the most fun to give because right now many people in the "north" are being sent out to do the things God has been preparing them to do, and they are very receptive to hearing the wisdom, direction, and encouragement of the Lord. Having said that, the Lord on Monday during my prayer time gave me the word to go to California to prophesy. This, I discern, will be a "Jonah" trip: "Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time: "Go to the city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you." Jonah 3:1 I am sending out a request to all the prayer warriors out there to lift me up during the three da...

Winds from the North

Greetings in the Lord! I hope everyone thoroughly enjoyed their summer and had a great Labor Day! While "a man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work," (Eccl. 2:24a), it still is nice to have a holiday thrown in there every now and then... :) Anyway, I wanted to share about what I've been experiencing and seeing this past week or so in the spirit as I've traveled to cities in northern Michigan: I've been seeing wind--and lots of it! First, in Traverse City last week I had a vision of strong winds sweeping over the bay area, blowing as if to wipe the area "clean". One part of this vision also included a sail boat with red and white stripes on it--a believer in Christ--using the wind (and rudder--our carefully spoken words) to manuver swiftly around the bay. At first I thought this vision was specific for that person, but since I've seen so many other visions of wind, I now realize that it is more of a vision...